Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht
Keizersgracht 132, 1015CW Amsterdam
Neemt patiënten aan
Praktijk gegevens aanpassen (Alleen voor praktijk eigenaren)
Spoed 24/7 365


  • arrow zondag
    9:00 - 16:00
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    9:00 - 16:00
  • arrow dinsdag
    8:00 - 21:30
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    8:00 - 21:30
  • arrow donderdag
    8:00 - 21:30
  • arrow vrijdag
    8:00 - 21:30
  • arrow zaterdag
    9:00 - 16:00

Lassus Tandartsen heeft een praktijk aan de Keizersgracht. Op die locatie werken algemene tandartsen, mondhygiënistes en specialisten. Ons team medewerkers kenmerkt zich door kennis, ervaring en korte communicatielijnen. 

Optimale zorg

Dankzij deze manier van werken en doordat wij alle tandheelkundige specialisaties in huis hebben kunnen wij de patienten optimale zorg en service bieden. Onze praktijk aan de Keizersgracht in het centrum van Amsterdam heeft zeven ruime behandelkamers. Op deze vestiging worden alle tandheelkundige behandelingen gedaan zoals hiernaast (links) is opgesomd. 

Bezoek website


  • Algemene tandheelkunde
  • Tandvlees behandeling
  • Wortelkanaal behandeling
  • Kroon- en brugwerk
  • Mondhygiëne
  • Implantaten
  • Protheses-kunstgebit
  • Angst behandeling
  • Facings
  • Tanden bleken
  • Orthodontie
  • Cosmetische tandheelkunde


BIG nummer: 49916674602
BIG nummer: 49914898602
BIG nummer: 19930012602
BIG nummer: 99912261002
BIG nummer: 79912295502
BIG nummer: 89933781002
BIG nummer: 29917306802
BIG nummer: 49923471002


  • Mondhygiënist(e) aanwezig
  • Vroege afspraak mogelijk
  • Avond behandeling mogelijk
  • Afspraken in weekend mogelijk
  • Parkeergelegenheid (Betaald)
  • Spoed
waardering icon
W H Flynn 09 Jun 2016 - 12:43 Review voor de praktijk
I am satisfied very much with Lasus tandarts and the friendly and professional atmosphere at the clinics
Duidelijke uitleg
Is deskundig
Alexander Morozov 15 Okt 2024 - 13:47

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Anass Kchikeche 10 Okt 2024 - 20:18

Ik ben super goed geholpen door mondhygiënist Hakima! Mooie pand en goede service van de praktijk.

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Dental hygienist Hakima helped me tremendously! Beautiful building and good service from the practice.

Juliana Sanchez 10 Okt 2024 - 15:15

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lesley remco Pelsmaeker 09 Okt 2024 - 16:36

De praktijk is ruim en professioneel opgezet. Gebitsreiniging, gaatjes vullen, kroon vervangen, en gebroken tand herstellen is mij allemaal zeer goed bevallen. Je hebt hier wel het gevoel dat ze werken met de nieuwste updates en technieken. Hoop dat het met te veel positieve reviews niet te druk wordt want dan blijft het nog goed te doen met afspraken plannen. Ga zo door zou ik zeggen.

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The practice is spacious and professionally set up. Dental cleaning, filling cavities, replacing crowns, and repairing broken teeth were all very enjoyable for me. You have the feeling that they are working with the latest updates and techniques. Hopefully it won't get too busy with too many positive reviews, because then it will still be easy to schedule appointments. Keep it up I would say.

Mark Arellius 07 Okt 2024 - 14:43

Goede ervaring bij Lassus! Vriendelijk en voelde me op mijn gemak, niet alleen de tandarts maar ook het personeel waren ook vriendelijk en begripvol. Dank voor de goede zorgen en tot volgende keer.

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Good experience at Lassus! Friendly and felt comfortable, not only the dentist but also the staff were also friendly and understanding. Thanks for the good care and see you next time.

Zsolt Madaras 06 Okt 2024 - 18:23

The clinic was beautiful and modern, creating a welcoming atmosphere from the moment I arrived. Dr. Emma Busoms was professional, attentive, and made the entire experience smooth and comfortable. The combination of a great environment and excellent care made my visit truly pleasant. Highly recommend!

Petra Stoel 04 Okt 2024 - 17:55

Hele fijn tandarts. Professioneel, altijd op tijd, begaan met de ‘patient’ en zeer kundig. Ondanks de vele problemen die ik met mij gebit heb gehad, nooit klachten over de tandarts gehad. Ik zou hem iedereen aanbevelen

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Very nice dentist. Professional, always on time, committed to the patient and very knowledgeable. Despite the many problems I have had with my teeth, I have never had any complaints about the dentist. I would recommend him to everyone

Dan Bodner 02 Okt 2024 - 14:36

This is the best dentist office in Amsterdam! They are all very professional, efficient and super friendly. I am happy to be a client...and so are my teeth!

tonny van dieijen 29 Sep 2024 - 09:28

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Angela Parente 26 Sep 2024 - 09:53

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Tolulope Ajia 24 Sep 2024 - 15:06

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Andriani Papadopoulou 24 Sep 2024 - 12:33

Very clean and welcoming space. Doctors and personnel were very kind. The dentist explained the problem and gave clear instructions on how to take care of the problem. Overall very satisfied!

Raquel Furtado 20 Sep 2024 - 15:55

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Hein-Jan Keijzer 19 Sep 2024 - 15:12

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Alena H. 19 Sep 2024 - 13:49

Doctor has missed appointment window - was late 15 min for 10 min appointment without informing the patient on delay

Eugenio Cataldo 17 Sep 2024 - 18:29

Dentists and hygienists are ok (some better, some worse), but the practice administration is completely incompetent or dishonest (I want to hope the first).

I am a customer since some years, and I went for a cleaning and a checkup. I first was overcharged for the cleaning (they arbitrarily put extra time) then, after I called, they adjusted it and sent me a corrected invoice, which I paid promptly. However, this was apparently not the full invoice and there were still some outstanding payments, of which I didn't hear anything until receiving a letter with an extra fine on top for delayed payment.
So, in short, they made a mess with the invoicing, and charged the customer a fine out of their own incompetence. I will end up paying this 30 euros fine just to avoid having to do with them again.

Avoid this practice, they're either incompetent, or scammers, or both

EDIT: after many calls I finally got put in contact with someone who could help and solved the issue. Still required some effort and a lot of pushing to pass the call center wall, but appreciate owning the mistake at least

Thijs Kuiken 13 Sep 2024 - 15:57

A little piece of my front tooth broke off; this happened before (3 years ago) so I called the same dentist (Tandartspraktijk Plantage Middenlaan Amsterdam); previously they send me to another dentist - at Stadionplein - so Lassus Dentists is a first for me. Keizersgracht, beautiful location obviously.. in the heart of Amsterdam..nice touch for those who care and perhaps aren't encumbered by toothache(s) haha.
I was helped by friendly personnel and the fact that I could come by on such short notice (same morning!) definitely earned stars straightaway.

Star off because of the relatively high price (€139) for what seems to me a small procedure and because I'd rather be told in advance what the procedure is going to be - and perhaps could have a choice in the proceedings - instead of lying in a dentists chair unsure of what's going to happen and for how long. The little scrub blowing device that cleaned the surface of the tooth went briefly over a part of my upper lip and that felt very unpleasant (!).
Having said that, the dentist helping me was professional and seemed experienced and friendly.

Hakan Uzunkaya 12 Sep 2024 - 17:07

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Haley Meng 12 Sep 2024 - 13:33

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M Ark 12 Sep 2024 - 12:18

If you have unexplainable pain somewhere in your teeth/mouth/face. Go to Jorge Caserio!

Jozef Stremen 11 Sep 2024 - 00:56

They never hurt me and Tom's work is solid and efficient. Fully trust the practice to sort all my dental needs. Flexible times including weekends and evenings.

Ellen Moes 10 Sep 2024 - 14:20

Een geweldige tandartspraktijk die bijna 24 uur per dag zeven dagen per week bereikbaar en beschikbaar is voor bijna elke tandheelkundige situatie. Snelle, adequate, uitstekende service waarop je kan en mag vertrouwen. Top Tandarts!

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A great dental practice that is available almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week and for almost any dental situation. Fast, adequate, excellent service that you can and may rely on. Top Dentist!

A. Anindita 09 Sep 2024 - 14:06

I go here for a dental hygiene with Emma and Rosalie as my dentist... Great service and easy to make appointment as an expat here.

Adam Evans 07 Sep 2024 - 11:53

Very friendly and informative

Anamaria Boanta 07 Sep 2024 - 09:21

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Thijs 07 Sep 2024 - 01:24

Hoge kwaliteit, redelijke prijzen goede service

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High quality, reasonable prices good service

Serena Cassarino 06 Sep 2024 - 20:29

Beautiful place, welcome people and very good job done!

Andreea Macoveiciuc 06 Sep 2024 - 19:50

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Doriana Hamitaj 06 Sep 2024 - 19:06

Very welcoming and knowledgeable staff. Also, very clean and cozy environment.

m y 06 Sep 2024 - 09:09

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Willy van der Griendt 05 Sep 2024 - 16:51

Ik heb vorige week het volgende meegemaakt: mijn kies was afgebrokkeld en mijn tong reageerde daarop met een enorme stekende pijn. Ik ben op vrijdagmorgen met spoed op de Keizersgracht terecht gekomen dus niet bij mijn eigen tandarts Nikos. Men constateerde daar dat mijn kroon was afgebroken en deze heeft men gepolijsd. Ik vroeg of men wilde kijken naar mijn tong: die was een beetje rood, vond men, en zou beter worden omdat de kies nu glad was. Ik moest gauw een kroon laten zetten. Ik maakte die afspraak voor die zondag daarop met Nulifer in de Lassusstraat. De tongpijn ging totoaal niet over, verhevigde zelfs. De afspraak werd vlak daarvoor afgezegd omdat Nulifer geen kroon kon plaatsen, daar niet capabel toe was. zo had zij te kennen gegeven. Ik had de afzegging niet gezien dus kwam daar. Ik had nog steeds enorme tongpijn dus liet Nulifer ernaar kijken. Zij constateerde een aft en zei dat de afgebroken kroon en de tong geen causaal verband hadden. De plaatsing van de kroon had geen haast. Ik was heel blij met die uitslag en ook hoe Nulifer even uitgebreid de tijd nam naar me te kijken om te diagnosticeren, maar helemaal niet blij hoe het in zijn geheel gegaan was. Als de tandarts op de Keizersgracht wat beter had gekeken dan had ik medicijnen kunnen hebben tegen de aft en niet zo'n afschuwelijk weekend gehad en geen verkeerde afspraak. Ik vind dit slordig. Ik hoop niet dat ik een factuur krijg voor het bezoek aan Nulifer, hoe blij ik ook met haar was, want de voorafgaande fouten vond ik te groot.

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I experienced the following last week: my molar had broken off and my tongue responded with an enormous stabbing pain. I ended up urgently on the Keizersgracht on Friday morning, so I didn't see my own dentist Nikos. It was discovered that my crown had broken off and it was polished. I asked if they wanted to look at my tongue: it was a bit red, they thought, and would get better because the molar was now smooth. I had to have a crown put in soon. I made that appointment for the following Sunday with Nulifer in Lassusstraat. The tongue pain did not go away at all, and even worsened. The appointment was canceled shortly before because Nulifer was unable to place a crown and was not capable of doing so. so she had stated. I hadn't seen the cancellation so got there. I still had tremendous tongue pain so I had Nulifer look at it. She diagnosed a canker sore and said that the broken crown and tongue had no causal relationship. There was no rush to place the crown. I was very happy with that result and also how Nulifer took the time to look at me extensively to diagnose, but not at all happy with how it went as a whole. If the dentist on the Keizersgracht had looked a little closer, I could have taken medication for the canker sores and not had such a horrible weekend and not had a wrong appointment. I find this sloppy. I hope I don't get an invoice for the visit to Nulifer, no matter how happy I was with her, because I thought the previous mistakes were too big.

Paul Hwang Huat Sing 04 Sep 2024 - 22:53

Good, friendly and kind service. I am a very happy customer of Lassus Tandartsen. My special compliments to Miss Emma, Mr. Walter and the very professional lady surgeon in Lassusstraat (who pulled out my kies) for their top skills and for attending to me so well recently. Thanks to everyone, including the kind assistants and the reception staff in both of the Lassus locations where i went to recently. Best wishes and cheers, Paul👍👍👍 (for many years now a happy client of Lassus)

Ben Hamouda Seifallah 04 Sep 2024 - 21:33

Unfortunately it was a Very bad experience (maybe one of the worst in my lifetime…)

Mitchel Verkuijlen 04 Sep 2024 - 21:33

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Nadya Kalinina 04 Sep 2024 - 18:02

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Philipp Gabriel Renczes 04 Sep 2024 - 17:54

highly effective dental hygiene service, absolutely recommended

Christopher Engel (chris) 04 Sep 2024 - 16:41

Dopest dentists in Amsterdam. Got infected wisdom tooth pulled same-day (at night!) and then full gum measurement and cleaning and continue with regular cleanings. Highly competent and professional. A wonderful experience and super expat friendly.

James Perlingiero 04 Sep 2024 - 16:36

I can barely get appointments with the dental hygienist that I feel comfortable with - the rest aren't good in my brief experience, and I see that Lassus is becoming a massive company that cannot provide any considerations to individuals. I look forward to finding a smaller scale dentistry.

Pieter Wollaert 28 Aug 2024 - 14:10

Ik kwam voor een reiniging en ze hebben meteen een acuut probleem verholpen door mijn verstandskies te trekken. Echt top! 10/10!

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I came for a cleaning and they immediately solved an acute problem by pulling my wisdom teeth. Really great! 10/10!

rutger van de pol 19 Aug 2024 - 12:06

Prachtige praktijk. Geholpen door Jort: super!

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Beautiful practice. Helped by Jort: great!

Aljo Veldhuis 05 Aug 2024 - 15:44

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Zoe Shen 05 Aug 2024 - 10:52

The dentists are friendly and competent. The support staff and reception left much to be desired. They seem to find general coordination and communication challenging.

Isagani Lorenzo 05 Aug 2024 - 10:30

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jurgen rienks 05 Aug 2024 - 09:27

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Gabriela Perez 05 Aug 2024 - 09:12

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Laurent Koppitz 05 Aug 2024 - 07:16

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Monique Duvalois 04 Aug 2024 - 22:25

Super geholpen door Rosalie.

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Great help from Rosalie.

Dennis Hogers 04 Aug 2024 - 21:40

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svea Elbaze 04 Aug 2024 - 19:56

Omdat ik voor de zoveelste keer een verzoek krijg voor om een review achter te laten doe ik dat uiteindelijk toch. Ik ben geholpen door Emma Busoms, een paradontoloog die een chirurgische ingreep uitvoerde om mijn kies eruit te krijgen omdat ze de kracht niet had om de kies eruit te krijgen. Hierdoor brokkelde ze stukje voor stukje een beetje van de kies af, de verdoving was al lang uitgewerkt wat enorm veel pijn deed. Had dit ook duidelijk aangegeven.Voor mij een verschrikkelijk ervaring omdat ik na een paar dagen op ook nog vakantie ging. Ondanks de sterke pijnstillers, heb na een week nog steeds veel pijn en ik durf hier in het buitenland niet naar een tandarts te gaan. Voor mij NOOIT MEER!

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Because I receive a request for the umpteenth time to leave a review, I finally do so. I was helped by Emma Busoms, a periodontist who performed a surgical procedure to remove my tooth because she did not have the strength to remove the tooth. As a result, bit by bit, the tooth crumbled away; the anesthesia had long worn off, which was extremely painful. This had also been clearly stated. A terrible experience for me because I also went on holiday after a few days. Despite the strong painkillers, I still have a lot of pain after a week and I don't dare go to a dentist here abroad. NEVER AGAIN for me!

Andreea Bodnariu 04 Aug 2024 - 18:58

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Marcello Felice Vietti 04 Aug 2024 - 18:56

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Kirill Zima 04 Aug 2024 - 18:53

Amazing customer experience. I broke a tooth after an accident at home. My dentist was on vacation and several friends recommended Lassus. It was an old bad, so we needed to extract it. Emma and Majori both did an EXCELLENT job. On the photo is my temporary tooth. Emma removed the bad broken tooth, provided me with a care guide, placed a temporary tooth, answered all my questions, contacted my insurance and so on. Highly recommend Lassus if you are looking for a top quality dental clinic. I’m a picky person and changed around 7-8 clinics, very happy so far.

Dina Meyerhoven 04 Aug 2024 - 16:41

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Diana Machado Santos 03 Aug 2024 - 23:19

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Gijs Pelser 03 Aug 2024 - 21:20

Hoge kwaliteit, flexibele inplanning en komen afspraken na.

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High quality, flexible scheduling and keeping agreements.

Hans Moerbeek 03 Aug 2024 - 21:10

Prettige ontvangstruimte (afgezien van dat er sinds kort geen daglicht meer binnenkomt); prettige behandeling door arts en ander personeel. De behandelingen die ik de afgelopen jaren heb ondergaan hebben nooit een teleurstellend resultaat gehad.

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Pleasant reception room (apart from the fact that daylight has recently stopped coming in); pleasant treatment by doctor and other staff. The treatments I have undergone in recent years have never had disappointing results.

Jose Copraij 02 Aug 2024 - 20:41

vriendelijk en vakbekwaam

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friendly and professional

a b 02 Aug 2024 - 20:37

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste A.B., gezien uw beoordeling is er veel ruimte ter verbetering in onze praktijk. Graag komen wij met u in contact om te praten over uw ervaring. Enkel met uw feedback kunnen wij onze zorg en service continue toetsen en verbeteren. Wilt u contact opnemen met floormanager Lois via Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd.

Chiara Di Lauro 02 Aug 2024 - 17:25

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Leonardo 02 Aug 2024 - 14:22

Dr. Walter is the best and very knowledgeable. He takes all the time needed to understand the situation and propose a solution. The clinic is always organized and modern. Definitely one of the best services!

Ingrid Fergach 02 Aug 2024 - 13:39

Fav dentist in Amsterdam

Pinar Akinci 30 Jul 2024 - 13:18

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Pinar Akinci, naar aanleiding van uw beoordeling komen wij graag met u in contact om te praten over uw ervaring in onze praktijk. Gezien het aantal sterren is er nog ruimte voor verbetering. Onze floormanager neemt contact met u op.

Tania slabbert 08 Jul 2024 - 08:41

Excellent service from reception and dentist. I would highly recommend Lassus Dentists. I arrived without a booking on a Sunday morning, it was an emergency, they immediately responded and squeezed me in. I am Sooo grateful and the job was done extremely well. Thank you for giving me my smile again 😁

Jennice Pengel 06 Jul 2024 - 14:03

Een hele fijne tandarts om naartoe te gaan. Ik ga hier al jaren. De receptie is verbouwd en is erg netjes.

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A very nice dentist to go to. I've been going here for years. The reception has been renovated and is very neat.

Robin Beisel 06 Jul 2024 - 13:39

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Ana Popilian 06 Jul 2024 - 13:02

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jj s 05 Jul 2024 - 17:28

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emre onder 05 Jul 2024 - 15:55

I recently went to Lassus for a root canal, and I’m very happy with the care I got. At first, it was hard to tell which tooth was causing the pain, but they found the right one and fixed it. The dentist who did root canal treatment was only working on that area so he was an expert. In other clinics, mostly one dentist does everything

From now on, this clinic will be my top choice for any dental work. Highly recommend them for their great service!

Jan-Paul Holla 05 Jul 2024 - 15:51

The team seems to be very knowledgeable and provides excellent dental care. All dental care & technicians are under 1roof. Appointments are always on time, I never have to wait. Nice atmosphere & surroundings. Everything is truly professional. I highly recommend Lassus Dentists

Alina Kuznetsova 05 Jul 2024 - 15:20

Хорошая клиника и приятные врачи. Была в первые по страховке, все понравилось.

Natalia 05 Jul 2024 - 15:10

All good with dentists, but every time I have an appointment I am waiting ages for the doctor to come. There's always a big delay

Rick De Blok 04 Jul 2024 - 08:03

Goede communicatie
Kundige artsen en fijne omgang

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Good communication
Skilled doctors and pleasant interaction

Riekie Graeff 04 Jul 2024 - 07:59

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Deborah Davis DeWitt 03 Jul 2024 - 22:01

Great dentist in Amsterdam.

Haris Mujović 03 Jul 2024 - 16:05

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Saco Visser 03 Jul 2024 - 12:51

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Deane Gilissen 22 Jun 2024 - 20:54

Fijne goede zorg heel erg tevreden. Ik ben zeer content met de tandarts en mondhygiënist . De behandeling en afspraken zijn altijd correct net zoals de betalingen. Altijd even vriendelijk en netjes zijn de telefonistes. Ik kom nu 3 jaar bij Lassus Tandartsen ik kan alleen met vol lof spreken over de praktijk Keizersgracht.

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Excellent care, very satisfied. I am very satisfied with the dentist and dental hygienist. The treatment and appointments are always correct, as are the payments. The telephone operators are always friendly and polite. I have been coming to Lassus Dentists for 3 years now and I can only speak highly of the Keizersgracht practice.

deepti shevalkar 18 Jun 2024 - 16:02

Unfriendly service

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Deepti Shevalkar, we are very sorry to read you're not satisfied with our service. Our floormanager already had contact with you to discuss this with you in person and look for a solution.

Ourania Dalalaki (Rania) 09 Jun 2024 - 10:54

Excellent dentist/practice, have been coming to their different locations since 2020. Highly recommended.

S J 06 Jun 2024 - 15:22

Zeer professionele moderne tandheelkunde en implantologie! Een kundig en uiterst gedreven team van mensen.
Men doet er alles aan je zo snel mogelijk te helpen. Top, zou eenieder aanraden!

(Translated by Google)
Very professional modern dentistry and implantology! A skilled and extremely driven team of people.
Every effort is made to help you as quickly as possible. Great, would recommend to everyone!

Anna Kniep 06 Jun 2024 - 10:35

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Ángela Bermúdez 05 Jun 2024 - 20:45

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Andrej Nabergoj 05 Jun 2024 - 19:10

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Kar Stan 04 Jun 2024 - 19:41

very professional and detailed information during the assessment and treatment. only during the treatment the headpiece slipped twice which gave me a tightness in the neck afterwards. also there was an issue with the polishing device during the treatment which prolonged my inconvenient position.
but the overall result of the treatment is very satisfying and the staff was friendly and helpful.

Albert Hsu 03 Jun 2024 - 21:30

Symptoms and treatment process were clearly explained.

Carlos H Weis 1 03 Jun 2024 - 18:27

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Ingrid van Gool 03 Jun 2024 - 18:01

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Alba Digiulio 03 Jun 2024 - 17:54

Very nice practice and professional Team!
I wish everyone to feel comfortable as home like I felt! Thanks u👍

Tom de Visser 28 Mei 2024 - 16:15

So far, I've only had great experiences here. The staff is friendly, and the dentists take their time to answer questions and explain things thoroughly.

Burak Burak 23 Mei 2024 - 21:03

Merhaba amsderma turist olarak geldim yolda yürürken bu kutuyu buldum sizin adresiniz vardı üstünde kapının önüne buraktim umarım almisinizdir

mieke miltenburg 14 Mei 2024 - 09:04

Prettige sfeer op alle praktijken .In mijn geval implantoloog Stijn Kregting op de Keizersgracht ,getuigt van een hoog vakkundigheid en de luchtige aardige omgang ,geeft ontspanning!
Óók mondhygieniste Samira Hamdane op Stadionplein erg aardig met haar "rustige" behandeling.

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Pleasant atmosphere at all practices. In my case, implantologist Stijn Kregting on the Keizersgracht, shows a high level of professionalism and the light-hearted, friendly manner provides relaxation!
Dental hygienist Samira Hamdane at Stadionplein was also very nice with her "calm" treatment.

Hans Hultink 13 Mei 2024 - 16:59

Erg tevreden met de praktijk, maar nog meer over Stijn,de implantoloog,een vakman dat merk je aan alle behandelingen ! Na eindeloos problemen men andere tandartsen, technieker, een opluchting!!
Minpuntje is de rolstoel toegankelijkheid voor mij om in de praktijk te komen.
Verder wou ik dank zeggen tegen assistente Marleen voor haar vriendelijke behandeling .
En Stijn zou ik zeker aanbevelen Hans Hultink

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Very satisfied with the practice, but even more so about Stijn, the implantologist, a professional, which is evident in all treatments! After endless problems, another dentist, technician, a relief!!
A downside is the wheelchair accessibility for me to get into the practice.
I also wanted to thank assistant Marleen for her kind treatment.
And I would definitely recommend Stijn Hans Hultink

Nour Y 09 Mei 2024 - 09:52

Ik maak een afspraak bij de mondhygiënist en ik krijg een preventie assistente die niet goed reinigt. Afspraak is nooit op tijd, er is altijd een uitloop krijg je dan te horen.

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I make an appointment with the dental hygienist and I get a prevention assistant who does not clean properly. Appointments are never on time, there is always a delay, you are told.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Nour, Onze oprechte excuses voor uw onaangename ervaring bij ons. We willen dit graag bespreken en verbeteren, maar kunnen u niet vinden in ons systeem onder de naam "Nou Y''. Zou u zo vriendelijk willen zijn om contact met ons op te nemen via 020 422 1912 of via Dit zal zeer gewaardeerd worden.

Cem Cosar 06 Mei 2024 - 10:37

Lasus employs fresh graduates, and overworks them without any supervision. Between 2016-2019, I received a series of dental treatments from Mojdeh Amiri Bavandpour, who was a dentist here, and it took me several operations to rectify the mistakes she made. My partner was a patient of hers, too, and she had to go under similar rectifications... I wouldn't recommend it!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Cem, we are sorry to read that you're not satisfied with your experience. I cannot find your details in our system under the name ''Cem Cosar'' would u be so kind to contact the practice 020 42 21 912 so that we can discuss this personally and look for a solution? This will be much appreciated.

Koen Veldhuisen 06 Mei 2024 - 09:48

Top Dentists!

Sandra Vieira 05 Mei 2024 - 20:47

The staff is very competent and expert but receptionists are always calling to re schedule (of course nothing they can do about that) but loads of big attitude at the desk. They don’t smile, they seem completely over their job, once at Lassusstraat location, one of them asked my husband to not speak anymore because she couldn’t hear the person in the phone but he wasn’t speaking at all. She confused him with someone else’s and didn’t even apologize. The other I tried to explain I could only come in the beginning of end of the day, it seemed I was really making her life hard …. But yeah if you need some fixing the dentist are competent. Did also orthodontic, it was good, but I thought each orthodontic staff didn’t really read fully my file and I had to do a but repeating ….

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Sandra, we are sorry to read that your experience with our reception was not positive, our sincere apologies for this. At Lassus we want you to feel welcome upon arrival. Our practice manager will contact you to discuss this personally with you and to take your feedback into account.

Massimo Patti 04 Mei 2024 - 15:32

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Carien Reugebrink 04 Mei 2024 - 08:28

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AFG๛AMieRツ 03 Mei 2024 - 21:47

Heel lief tandarts en doet haar werk super goed ben zo blij dat ik deze plek heb gekozen.

(Translated by Google)
Very sweet dentist and does her job very well. I am so happy that I chose this place.

Elzbieta Zaleska 03 Mei 2024 - 19:40

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Jurko van veenendaal 03 Mei 2024 - 19:32

Geweldige tandarts!

(Translated by Google)
Great dentist!

j d 03 Mei 2024 - 17:34

Virginie is een topper!

(Translated by Google)
Virginie is great!

LifeWise Video's 03 Mei 2024 - 17:30

Ik ben al jaren erg tevreden over Nahida als mondhygiëniste en Rosalie als tandarts. Beiden zijn bijzonder deskundig, betrouwbaar en erg prettig in de omgang.

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I have been very satisfied with Nahida as a dental hygienist and Rosalie as a dentist for years. Both are extremely knowledgeable, reliable and very pleasant to work with.

Ben Timmer 03 Mei 2024 - 11:22

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Djurre Misero 02 Mei 2024 - 17:08

Deze Google-recensie is zonder tekst

Maria Stam-Alekseeva 01 Mei 2024 - 20:29

Deze Google-recensie is zonder tekst

Micha Zeegers 01 Mei 2024 - 17:32

Deze Google-recensie is zonder tekst

amalia perez 01 Mei 2024 - 16:36

punctual, professional, nice experience for a dentist's practice

renny ramakers 01 Mei 2024 - 15:36

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Linnemore Nefdt 01 Mei 2024 - 14:40

niets dan lof voor mijn tandarts en team op de keizersgracht lokatie

(Translated by Google)
nothing but praise for my dentist and team at the Keizersgracht location

Charles Spangberg 06 Apr 2024 - 23:15

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Sabrina Meijer 04 Apr 2024 - 15:50

Doodsbang voor de tandarts, hier een aantal weken geleden voor het eerst geweest en voelde meteen een stuk fijner dan waar ik eerst naartoe ging. Dank voor de goede zorgen!!

(Translated by Google)
Terrified of the dentist, I went here for the first time a few weeks ago and immediately felt a lot better than where I first went. Thanks for the good care!!

Roberta Simon 24 Mrt 2024 - 14:09

Hele zomer gewerkt,€2k betaald om vervolgens 2 kiezen te verliezen. Wortelkanaalbehandelingen te groot gat geboord en kiezen door midden gebroken. Daarnaast was de tandarts aan het flirten met de assistente.

(Translated by Google)
Worked all summer, paid €2k only to lose 2 molars. Root canal treatments drilled too large a hole and broke molars in half. In addition, the dentist was flirting with the assistant.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Roberta Simon, wat vervelend dat u geen goede ervaring heeft gehad. We kunnen u niet terugvinden in onze data zou u zo vriendelijk willen zijn om contact met ons op te nemen via 020 42 21 912 of via Zodat we dit persoonlijk kunnen bespreken met elkaar en te kijken wat er gebeurd is. Dit zal zeer gewaardeerd worden.

Tahir Sarwar 20 Mrt 2024 - 21:22

Ony money maker .. don’t go this place

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Tahir Sarwar, wat vervelend om te lezen dat je niet tevreden bent. Zou u zo vriendelijk willen zijn om contact met ons op te nemen via 020 422 1912, zodat wij dit persoonlijk kunnen bespreken en zoeken naar een oplossing? Dit zal door ons zeer gewaardeerd worden.

Nikola Péliová 15 Mrt 2024 - 14:14

Thank you to the kind receptionist who stood up from his lunch (in a building which is currently under renovation) to change my appointment. I think he’s been doing consistently a great job since I have been a patient 🫶🏻

Lydia van de Kreeke 08 Mrt 2024 - 14:15

Lassus used to be amazing, but their service has slipped over the years.
- depending on your dentist or hygenist, there is little concern for your comfort and zero empathy for pain they may cause
- call and have to wait on hold for 10+ minutes just to make an appointment
- appointments often run late (20+ minutes delay is the new standard)
- they always try to suggest x-rays to make €€€
- on a positive note, they are good about accommodating emergency appointments
Nonetheless, I would suggest to look elsewhere for a dentist in Amsterdam.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Lydia, we are very sorry to read you are not satisfied with our practice anymore and you feel like our level of service has decreased. We fully understand that going to the dentist is not always comfortable. Our sincere apologies if we didn't come across as empathic about this. Taking x-rays is sometimes nescessery to take a better look at your teeth and jaw. Not everything is visible on the outside unfortunately. Our floormanager will contact you to discuss this further with you in person and look for a solution to improve our care to you.

E Wood 15 Feb 2024 - 17:57

Jorge Caserio is treating me for TMJ and it’s been perfect. With the jaw pain, I’d been getting headaches, but with the split and other treatments the pain went away and life has become manageable again. He was great with diagnosing what was causing my jaw alignment issues and came up with a clear treatment plan.

Reina Krijnen 14 Feb 2024 - 19:09

Heel fijne tandarts (was spoedgeval) en assistente. Keurig op tijd.

(Translated by Google)
Very nice dentist (was an emergency) and assistant. Always on time.

Bert Van Der Zijpp 13 Feb 2024 - 23:39

Echte vaklui, kwalitatief niets op aan te merken. De ontvangst is ook altijd zeer vriendelijk.
Maak wel altijd 3 afspraken tegelijk, wanneer naar de vestiging op het Stadionplein gaat: dan heb ik je een goede kans dat er 1 doorgaat op de afgesproken tijd.

(Translated by Google)
Real professionals, nothing to complain about in terms of quality. The welcome is always very friendly.
Always make 3 appointments at the same time when going to the branch on Stadionplein: then I have a good chance that 1 will take place at the agreed time.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Bert van der Zijpp, allereerst fijn om te lezen dat u tevreden bent met onze behandelaren en het ontvangst. Natuurlijk wel vervelend dat uw afspraken regelmatig worden afgezegd, dit is uiteraard niet onze bedoeling. Onze welgemeende excuses. Onze floormanager neemt contact met u op om dit persoonlijk met u te bespreken.

Eugene Gostkin 07 Feb 2024 - 15:45

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Eugene Gostkin, naar aanleiding van uw beoordeling komen wij graag met u in contact om te praten over uw ervaring in onze praktijk. Gezien het aantal sterren is er veel ruimte voor verbetering. Wilt u dan ook contact opnemen met onze praktijkmanager via Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd.

Rodrigo Novaes 31 Jan 2024 - 16:18

Doctor was good.

But customer support is terrible, charged me for procedures i did not have

I sent multiple emails and they don't answer.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Rodrigo Novaes, we are very sorry to read you're not satisfied with our customer support and you had to wait for an answer for so long. Our sincere apologies. Your email has been awnsered by now, but our floormanger will call you to discuss this with you in person.

Pim Meeus 15 Jan 2024 - 12:15

I'm not happy with Lassus at all. They have a few good specialists but the organisation itself is far below standard. It seems impossible to keep one and the same dentist so every time a new dentist has their own ideas. Several dentists are working on your dental issues but they don't exchange information with each other and every dentist has their own view and approach.

For an implant they exceeded the projected costs with more than €1000. When I asked for the initial treatment plan and projected cost they sent me only half the respective invoices. I have asked for the complete overview 3 times now and I still don't have it. They know they over charged and it looks like they're going out of their way not to pick up the excess expense.

A mistake they recently made in their dental care, they offered to compensate with a free dental hygiene treatment for which I have now received invoice, reminder and exhortation. Avoid if possible.

Update: practice manager Danny never contacted me 👇🏼

Update 2024: when you think it can't get any worse, they will find a way

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Pim Meeus, we are sorry to read that you are not happy with us. Our aim is to schedule our cliënts with their primary dentist as much is possible. Our sincere apologies if this didn't happen. Our practice manager Danny will contact you to discuss this and your invoices with you in person.

Ellen G 04 Jan 2024 - 22:51

I came from London and had a fabulous hygienist with a long waiting list. A few weeks ago, I developed an infection after an extraction and my teeth turned brown from the antibacterial spray and mouthwash. (Which didn’t help). It looked ugly and felt it.

Read the reviews of local dentists and saw Emma today. She was thorough, gave me advice and did an amazing job. I can laugh again. So pleased. Thanks Emma. From my teeth and happy mind. I really feel I can put the extraction and complications behind me. One thing. Keizersgracht is not disabled accessible. It’s too old a building though the inside is very modern. Highly recommend.

Seunghun Lee 05 Dec 2023 - 21:42

When all other orthodontists in Amsterdam don't repair metal braces falling off teeth outside their clinic, Lassus gladly booked an appointment the same day evening. Perfect service

Hopsa 16 Nov 2023 - 22:19

Marvellous — the reception staff, the dental hygiene that I got yesterday by Fatima (thank you so much) and the doctors.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear hopsa, thank you for the kind words. We will definitely share this with our team!

Diana D. 03 Nov 2023 - 22:21

Bad customer care - lack of empathy and rudeness towards a new possible patient

I couldn’t get an appointment for an emergency simply because it was a temporary crown from another dentist.
I was told that anything initiated by another dentist is not something they want to interfere with. They would not even listen to the details - they just redirected me to another practice (Dental 365).
I also wanted other new dental services from Lassus Keizersgracht but they wouldn’t even listen.
If you absolutely want to be their patient, I assume the best way is to book an intake without providing too many details upfront. After you have registered this way, they might want to accept you as their patient.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Diana D, we are very sorry to read that your first contact with our practice wasn't positive. We really want to find out what went wrong here. Because we have al specializations in house, we should not have te refer you to another practice unless you have an emergency outside our opening hours. Could you be so kind to contact us via or via 020 42 21 912 so our floormanager can discuss this with you in person? This will be very much appriciated by us.

Bianca B. 06 Okt 2023 - 10:35

I had my wisdom teeth removed by Dr Meshkan Moghimi. I had a lot of stress and apprehension before the appointment and I kept putting off doing it. Finally, both my wisdom teeth were removed. Dr Meshkan Moghimi is a very good dentist, she explains everyhting. She is very professional, very nice, very pretty and smiling! Thanks again!!! I recommend her 100%.

Candle Movement 04 Okt 2023 - 16:04

Had to repost this review because for some reason, I cannot see it from their reviews anymore. Ok so, I saw this super fancy and credible looking clinic while I was walking towards home so I decided to register and move my dental services here. It was amidst the lockdown when I made an appointment and was really a challenge to make one. I booked 2 services - cleaning and filling. When I arrived, I was expecting to get the services I booked which is pretty normal however, my expectations turned into a nightmare. First, the dentist did only the upper part of my teeth. To be honest, I felt that she was trying to prolong the process so she could in the end tell me that she can only clean the upper part, but who does this kind of service? Number 1: We are in the period where booking an appointment is so difficult and Number 2: I have to go out with only the upper part of my teeth cleaned? Unbelievable. Second was the most traumatizing experience. Instead of getting fillings, the 2 dentists consumed my whole time just by taking pictures of my teeth, gums and even a portrait shot of me using atleast 3 different types of camera (By the way, I found out from a Dutch friend that this is a trick to get you charged big time but little did I know that you can always say no to this. Usually they will not ask and, you’ll think that this will just take 5mins but not, so be careful.) Had to book another appointment for the rest of the services (which of course will be in 2-3months). After the “photoshoot scam”, they were advising me to me to do certain services they offer which will then cost me almost 3000 euros. In the end, I walked away feeling so shocked about the whole experience with just my upper teeth cleaned. Wait, and there’s more… they are charging me an extra cost for the consulting time which I did not ask in the very beginning. How is this normal?"

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear client, we are very sorry to read you're not satisfied with our practice. Our practice manager tried to contact you in July 2021 to discuss this with you in person and find out what went wrong. Sadly we never got a reaction back untill today. We want to adress that taking photo's is not a scam, but nescessary for a good treatment plan and we are more than open to receive feedback from our clients so we can keep improving ourselves. We regret to hear you are leaving our practice, but wish you all the best. Kind regards, Lassus Tandartsen

Clementine Combeau 16 Sep 2023 - 22:57

I am a patient of Lassus dentist for many years. I went through dental treatments, orthodontics, etc. However my teeth are still not fixed. On top of that, even with regular dentist checkups, they missed to see a growing cavity. I was really in pain and I finally had to go through a root canal treatment. My teeth has been so damaged that I will also need a crown soon. I tried to exchange with the dentists about my concern and complaints (by phone, e-mail) but they never answered and still ignore me. So I write my comment here: terrible experience with the Lassus dentists. The location looks great and the dentists are always nice; nevertheless they obviously do not care about patient’s health or solving dental issues. Money is their main focus through their treatments. I do not recommend this place.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Clemente Combeau, we're very sorry to read that you are not happy with your recent appointments and didn't get a response from us about your complaint. This is not the service you should expect. We forwarded your review to our floormanager. She will contact you soon about your review and experience with our practice.

Nicole Emmenegger 02 Sep 2023 - 14:32

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Coen R 31 Aug 2023 - 12:48

Fijne tandartspraktijk met kundige tandartsen en andere specialisten. De openbare ruimtes zijn netjes en de receptionisten vriendelijk.

(Translated by Google)
Nice dental practice with skilled dentists and other specialists. The public areas are tidy and the receptionists friendly.

Arden Budding 21 Aug 2023 - 17:17

Great expat dentist! Would recommend, it’s clean, well kept, and up to date.

Aylin Mutish 09 Aug 2023 - 21:38

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Thomas de Bres 09 Aug 2023 - 15:34

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Erika Navarro Carbonell 02 Aug 2023 - 21:42

I went there with a strong pain, I had a infection and they didn't give me anything to take. I had to go somewhere else where finally gave me something for my infection and the pain

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Erika Navarro Carbonell, we are very sorry to read that you are not satisfied with your treatment at our practice. Our floormanager will contact you to discuss this review with you in person.

Yasho Dra 22 Jul 2023 - 15:18

Prettige tandartspraktijk met zeer vriendelijk personeel. Mooie stijlvolle entree en wachtruimte. Erg vaak 'open' ook 's avonds en in het weekend. Ik denk dat als zij als eerste tandartspraktijk in Amsterdam lekkere essentiële oliën gaan verspreiden in de wachtruimte de sfeer er nog klantvriendelijker op wordt. Past wel bij deze tijd. Een bezoekje aan de tandarts wordt dan nog meer een belevenis.

(Translated by Google)
Pleasant dental practice with very friendly staff. Beautiful stylish entrance and waiting area. Very often 'open', also in the evenings and on weekends. I think that if they are the first dental practice in Amsterdam to distribute delicious essential oils in the waiting area, the atmosphere will become even more customer-friendly. Fits in with the times. A visit to the dentist then becomes even more of an experience.

a 19 Jul 2023 - 17:06

I want to thank Jorge Caserio for his work, many docters and dentist couldn’t find what my problem was but he did and helped me a lot, now i got much less complains.

Claudia Torres 18 Jul 2023 - 09:25

They offer a very good service, the facilities are modern and the staff is very kind and professional

Wieger Lutters 11 Jul 2023 - 11:59

Nog nooit zo’n slechte ervaring gehad met een tandartspraktijk. Rekening ontvangen van een behandeling die nooit is uitgevoerd, vergeet dus nooit uw rekening na te kijken aan de hand van het KNMT tarievenboekje! Na deze rekening te hebben ontvangen gebeld met de klantenservice die het ging bespreken met de desbetreffende tandarts. Ik zou hierna terug worden gebeld, maar er is daarna nooit meer iets van een terugkoppeling geweest vanuit de praktijk. Afgelopen donderdag weer gebeld met dezelfde vraag en er werd mij weer beloofd dat ik vrijdag terug zou worden gebeld. Je kunt het wel raden, weer geen contact opgenomen en de rekening staat nog steeds open. Een tip: blijf hier weg!

Update: alweer een tijdje verder, nog drie keer gebeld en er is weer drie keer beloofd mij terug te bellen. Uiteraard is dit nog niet gebeurd. Daarnaast klopt de reactie ook niet van de tandarts dat de rekening wel klopt. Ik heb namelijk een G69 behandeling gekregen (en ook betaald), maar ze hebben ook een G12 in rekening gebracht. Een G12 kan echter alleen in rekening worden gebracht na een G10, die ik dus nooit heb gehad.

(Translated by Google)
Never had such a bad experience with a dental practice. Receiving an invoice for a treatment that was never carried out, so never forget to check your invoice against the KNMT rate booklet! After receiving this bill, I called customer service who discussed it with the dentist in question. I was supposed to be called back afterwards, but there was never any feedback from the practice after that. I called again last Thursday with the same question and was promised again that I would be called back on Friday. As you can guess, no contact was made again and the account is still open. A tip: stay away from here!

Update: a while later, I called three more times and was promised to call me back three more times. Obviously this has not happened yet. In addition, the dentist's response that the bill is correct is also incorrect. I received (and paid for) a G69 treatment, but they also charged me for a G12. However, a G12 can only be charged after a G10, which I never had.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Wieger Lutters, het spijt ons te lezen dat u geen goede ervaring heeft gehad met onze praktijk. De factuur waarover u het heeft is echter wel correct. Als het goed is heeft u hierover bericht gehad van Infomedics. Wel willen wij graag onze excuses aanbieden over het feit dat u niet bent teruggebeld. Dit is niet de service die u van ons mag verwachten. Onze praktijkmanager en/of uw behandelaar neemt contact met u op om de factuur en bovenstaande review met u persoonlijk te bespreken. Hopelijk mogen wij u in de toekomst weer verwelkomen op onze praktijk.

Alexander Poli 10 Jul 2023 - 11:34

Truly amazing dentist practice. High class service in all its aspects. Sometimes you even forget you are at the dentist, something that a lot of us prefer ;)

Paulina Verdejo 09 Jul 2023 - 10:41

As an expat in NL I looked for dental health available in English and I must say, all the professionals here made me feel welcomed and taken care of since day 1. My husband and I are quite happy with the flexibility (open even on Sundays), but also with the kind approach of doctor Miranda and the innovative techniques of doctor Caserio. Especially with dr Caserio, I must say that the face, neck, and shoulder pain from bruxism are almost fully gone after getting my new bite/mouth guard. I would fully recommend his approach to bruxism.

Mario de Lima 08 Jul 2023 - 13:48

Clean practice, modern equipment, and professional and friendly staff. Expat-friendly, too.

Abdel Lazaar 03 Jul 2023 - 12:38

Kom nu een tijdje bij mondhygiëniste
Super professioneel mist geen tand of hoek.

(Translated by Google)
Come see a dental hygienist for a while
Super professional, not a tooth or corner missing.

Coretta Adriaans 23 Jun 2023 - 00:00

Normally I don't write reviews, but I'm just so incredibly impressed with Lassus Dentists (Keizersgracht). All staff members were very friendly: from the women who booked my appointment over the phone, to the receptionist, to the dental assistant, and the dentist herself. Everyone made me feel comforted, reassured, and well-taken care of. I've come a few times for emergency work (lost fillings) and they have always been accommodating. The dentist did excellent work. Last but not least, it is also a very clean and beautiful clinic. Definitely a positive experience and I would absolutely recommend this place!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Coretta Adriaans, what a nice review. Thank you very much for this. We'll pass it on to everyone!

Katy 08 Jun 2023 - 22:01

I recently visited Lassus for three appointments and I couldn't be happier with the service here.

After some bad experiences at a UK dentist some years ago, I was really scared, but my dentist Tom and my hygienist Bilal were both incredibly kind, thoughtful, and professional. They put me at ease and everything was done so carefully and efficiently that there was no need to be scared! Super happy with the results and I feel really cared for.

Thank you for the kind services Lassus, I won't be going anywhere else in future! 🥰

andre hoogstede 06 Jun 2023 - 18:30

Mijn ervaring met Lassus aan de Keizersgracht. Een prachtig pand op een lastige locatie, naar mijn mening uiteraard. Ik kwam voor een chirugische ingreep en vind dan de drukte van Amsterdam (binnnenstad) storend en parkeren in de buurt is lastig. Dat daargelaten is de behandeling en omgang met patiënten bij Lassus werkelijk fantastisch te noemen! Ik ben (echt) geholpen door Meshkan. Deze super vriendelijke dame kunnen we een waar kunstenaar in haar vak noemen. Technisch zeer goed onderlegt en eigenlijk is zij met de zorg voor haar patiënten zowat nog beter! Mocht je dit lezen en binnenkort extractie nodig hebben kan ik je haar van harte aanbevelen!

(Translated by Google)
My experience with Lassus on the Keizersgracht. A beautiful building in a difficult location, in my opinion of course. I came for a surgical procedure and find the hustle and bustle of Amsterdam (city center) disturbing and parking in the area is difficult. That said, the treatment and interaction with patients at Lassus is truly fantastic! I was (really) helped by Meshkan. We can call this super friendly lady a true artist in her profession. She is technically very well versed and in fact she is even better at caring for her patients! If you are reading this and need an extraction soon, I highly recommend it!

Daniel Visser (Daniel.1984) 02 Jun 2023 - 17:28

A couple of months ago I started a treatment at Lassus Tandartsen to help me with some problems due grinding my teeth. My dentist, Jorge, is treating me and made a splint. The treatment is still in progress, but is already effective; I dont grind while sleeping (my girlfriend says thanks Jorge!) and I finally sleep better, without waking up multiple times. Also not having neck issues anymore is a big plus!

Really pleased with Lassus Tandartsen and Jorge!

Mark Mattern 01 Jun 2023 - 10:11

I have been coming here for a few years, and even though they are centrally located and have professional equipment, I have become very frustrated with their (very) frequent appointment cancellations, and the resulting constant change in mond hygienist who assists me. More than half of my appointments get canceled, and rescheduling pushes appointment out months further…to even different locations and different hygienists

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mark Mattern, we are sorry to read that you are not satisfied with the cancellations. Of course, this is not meant to happen. So we want to see what goes wrong. We have forwarded your review to our practice manager Frans. He will contact you to discuss this with you personally.

Ale 14 Mei 2023 - 16:09

I promise you this is THE BEST dentist in Amsterdam. Firstly, it is a very professional and well-managed practice that is as stunning as it is efficient. The staff is by far what makes this place! they make you feel comfortable, are all hilarious, nice, but best of all they are all very talented dentists. I've gone several times and remained each time not disappointed. If you need a dentist go here.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Ale, thank you for your very nice review. How wonderful to hear that you think we are the best dentist in Amsterdam. We are very happy that you are so satisfied with our staff. We see you at the next treatment!

Arnaud Leblanc 12 Mei 2023 - 09:15

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Наталія Лучкіна 08 Mei 2023 - 13:29

Ik ben erg dankbaar voor gekwalificeerde medische zorg en ondersteuning. Voor kwaliteitsservice, zorgzame houding en professioneel werk. Bedankt . Natalia uit Oekraïne.

(Translated by Google)
I am very grateful for qualified medical care and support. For quality service, caring attitude and professional work. Thank you . Natalia from Ukraine.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Наталія Лучкіна, Heel erg bedankt voor uw vriendelijke woorden. We zien u graag weer de volgende keer en zullen uw woorden doorgeven aan Natalia.

jody cuberli 05 Mei 2023 - 15:59

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Sander Ysebaert 24 Apr 2023 - 15:13

In tilburg met mijn moeder geweest super vriendelijk personeel en perfect behandeld!

(Translated by Google)
Been to Tilburg with my mother, super friendly staff and treated perfectly!

Anna-E. Bissila 07 Apr 2023 - 20:48

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Bruno Graça 07 Apr 2023 - 11:54

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Zak Karras 05 Apr 2023 - 22:40

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Zak Karras, het spijt ons om te lezen dat u niet tevreden bent. Helaas kunnen we niet lezen waarom u niet tevreden bent. Wilt u contact opnemen met onze praktijkmanager Frans via Wij hopen u snel te spreken en u weer te mogen verwelkomen in onze praktijk.

Arno 04 Apr 2023 - 16:03

Hier bent u in de beste handen!
Tandarts & implantoloog (namen bekend bij ‘redactie’ :)) jullie zijn toppers *****(& bonus ) XArn:o)

(Translated by Google)
Here you are in the best hands!
Dentist & implantologist (names known to 'editors' :)) you are great *****(& bonus )

Khalil Laleh 31 Mrt 2023 - 12:34

PS: Definitely you have my name in your system. I've send an email with full description.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Khalil Laleh, naar aanleiding van uw beoordeling komen wij graag met u in contact om te praten over uw ervaring in onze praktijk. Gezien het aantal sterren is er veel ruimte voor verbetering. Helaas kunnen we u niet vinden in ons systeem onder deze naam. Wilt u contact opnemen met onze praktijkmanager Frans via Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd.

Emmely Bot 30 Mrt 2023 - 16:18

Ik zou iedereen adviseren niet naar deze tandarts te gaan. Ze smeren je van alles aan, zeggen dat er dingen mis is met je gebit wat vervolgens bij een andere tandarts niet zo blijkt te zijn. Ik heb nog nooit zo een slechte tandarts ervaring gehad en ben blij dat ik er weg ben!

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I would advise everyone not to go to this dentist. They tell you all kinds of things, say that there are things wrong with your teeth, which then turns out not to be the case at another dentist. I have never had such a bad dental experience and I am glad I left!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Emmely Bot, het spijt ons zeer te lezen dat u niet tevreden bent. Helaas kunnen we je niet vinden in ons systeem onder deze naam. Wilt u contact opnemen met onze praktijkmanager Frans via Wij hopen u snel te spreken en u weer te mogen verwelkomen in onze praktijk.

Kristina Ostermann 29 Mrt 2023 - 09:32

It took me some time to write this review and to recover but ALWAYS get a second opinion from another non-Lassus dentist!

I had the pain of meeting an inexperienced dentist at Keizersgracht.
My tooth had cracked and she said it had to be extracted. The procedure took 3,5 hours of butchering!!
Also some of my blood was taken for the wound to heal better, it took 9 attempts and holes in my arm to find the vein.
After extra anaesthetics and 3,5 hours of trying to get the tooth out, a colleague came in and popped it out in 2 seconds - just like a tooth should be extracted.

The healing took 6 weeks as some of it got infected. My jaw is missing 5mm of bone as this was scraped away during the butchering and not rebuilt.
And I was advised to get an implant after my tooth cracked?!
What I’m left with is a large gap in my jaw. I’ve never been afraid of dentists but I am absolutely traumatised now.
Never came back to this place after this experience!!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Kristina Ostermann, we are very sorry that your unsatisfied. Our practice manager Frank will contact you. We hope that you are okay en that we speak to you soon.

Oran Can Ören 27 Mrt 2023 - 22:40

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Dim Bouz 23 Mrt 2023 - 18:14

Good, fast service that also extends beyond working hours for urgencies (spoed). I was able to book a visit within 1-2 working days, which was great as I was in pain. Both the booking service and the dentist spoke perfect English. My dentist (Jort) was very kind, thorough and explained the whole process well. They were also able to quickly give all my patient folder details, so I can explain the process to my regular dentist back in Greece. Very happy with the clinic overall!

Jaimie Corby 21 Feb 2023 - 15:41

Terrible experience with this practice. They duplicated my file and made errors with my appointments - which ultimately meant they sent confirmation email/texts to the wrong addresses and numbers. I called multiple times trying to fix this however in the end one appointment was missed… then proceeded to fine me and send on to debt collectors for their own error!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Jaimie Corby, we are very sorry this happened to you. Our practice manager Danny will contact you. We hope to speak to you soon and to welcome you back to our practice.

Memories L 16 Feb 2023 - 17:44

Disappointing experience. I came to this dentist clinic for treatment due to my gum inflammation. I'm surprised the dentist didn't clean and treat my infected gums. She said my tooth needs a root canal or extraction. For huge profits, the patient's teeth can be disregarded. I went to the hospital in Korea for a checkup and a ct scan of the jaw during my vacation, and it turned out to be only inflammation of the gums. After a week of antibiotic treatment, the inflammation was cured. I recommend everyone to ask other dentists or doctors for second advice. After all, dentists in dental clinics will never be more professional than specialists in public hospitals. I am glad that I did not do any treatments here.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Memories L, sorry to read that you had a disappointing experience. We would like to get in touch with you to find out who treated you and to discuss the above with you personally. Unfortunately, we cannot find you in our system under this name. Would you be so kind as to contact our practice manager Danny de Junge via This is very much appreciated by us.

Tom de Visser 11 Feb 2023 - 09:50

Super vriendelijk personeel dat je oprechte aandacht geeft, ben voor het eerst onder de indruk van een tandartspraktijk

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Super friendly staff who give you sincere attention, I am impressed for the first time by a dental practice

Pat Evers 10 Feb 2023 - 19:04

Gevoel niet gezien of begrepen te zijn door jonge tandarts, die simpelweg voorstelde maar te trekken; geen begrip voor 55plussers. Voelt als robot gedrag, plus geconfronteerd met plastic wegwerp materiaal om lippen open de houden voor simpel gaatje voorkant voortand, alsof de mens mond niet kan open houden?? ;… en dan staat er €14 op rekening voor ongewild/onnodig wegwerp plastic.
Totaal yuppen wanna-be-funky robot tent, met onpersoonlijk antwoord centrale.
Hoorde van andere klant blijkbaar ook al voor 2de keer voor niets omdat afspraak niet klopte.
Uiteindelijk wel mooie mini vulling op voortand, maar ja €120 er voor is te wow!

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Feeling of not being seen or understood by a young dentist who simply suggested pulling; no understanding for people over 55. Feels like robot behavior, plus faced with disposable plastic material to keep lips open for a simple hole in the front of the front tooth, as if the human cannot keep the mouth open?? ;… and then there is €14 on the bill for unwanted/unnecessary disposable plastic.
Totally yuppie wanna-be-funky robot tent, with impersonal answer center.
Heard from another customer apparently for the 2nd time for nothing because the appointment was wrong.
Ultimately, a nice mini filling on the front tooth, but €120 for it is too wow!

Kasia Zdunek-Glynn 08 Dec 2022 - 10:18

Clean and modern offices. Timely appointments - i.e. no time wasted waiting for the doctor. The staff could not have been more helpful, friendly and accommodating. I met with Tom, Miriam and Sander and all were wonderful. Highly recommended! Excellent service!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

We are very happy to read that you are so satisfied with our practice! We hope to welcome you again with us.

Ariz Tiong 22 Nov 2022 - 18:21

They are not transparent about how they bill their patients. Yes, they are done according by the rates set by the government, but how they calculate blocks of time on work done is extremely questionable.

My end cost was more than 3 times what I was expecting for simple procedures.

I wish I had read the reviews on here more clearly before committing to this practice. I do not recommend them at all.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Ariz Tiong, we are very sorry to read that you're not satisfied with our services. If you have questions about your invoice, we are happy to discuss this with you and come to a solution if nescesery. Our practice manager Danny will contact you.

marcel breedveld 10 Nov 2022 - 16:14

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Θρασυβουλος Μορφοπουλος 03 Nov 2022 - 12:59

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Marc 02 Nov 2022 - 18:13

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Marina Uzunova 02 Nov 2022 - 12:38

Highly recommend! The best dentists practice, amazing how flexible they are! Real professionals, and also very kind, always helpful. It is obvious that they love what they do, which is very important. You are all great! Keep up the good work! :)

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

We are very happy with your review. We will continue to do our best :-). We look forward to seeing you next time.

Justine R 29 Okt 2022 - 17:17

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Peter Siegel 28 Okt 2022 - 14:41

Overleggen veel met je, dat vind ik eigenlijk het belangrijkste. daarnaast hebben ze alle vormen van dienstverlening in huis die je maar nodig kan hebben voor je tanden en je kan ook in het weekend langs... top dus

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Consulting with you a lot, I think that's actually the most important thing. In addition, they have all types of services you could need for your teeth and you can also visit them during the weekend... so great

L W 19 Okt 2022 - 11:16

Finally got through to reception, dont press to be called back, just wait.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear L W, we are sorry to read that you are unsatisfied with our services. Unfortunately we can't find you under this name in our system, therefore we can not see why you were scheduled with several dentists. Our goal is schedule you as much as possible with your regular dentist. We are also very sorry to read that you are unable to reach us by phone. Could you please contact us via, so we can figure out what went wrong and schedule the appointment for you? This will be very much appriciated by us.

A 03 Okt 2022 - 15:13

Happy with my experience at Lassus. I had the opportunity to be treated by Dr. Karin and she was amazing and considerate, made a plan for my treatment and made it really simple and comfortable for me.
Thank you Dr. Karin

Steffi van Kessel 12 Aug 2022 - 16:05

Ik kwam voor het vastzetten van mijn draadje en ontving een rekening van 330 euro. Dit is meer dan het van tevoren aangegeven maximumbedrag, dus ik had het erg gewaardeerd als dit met mij overlegd was tijdens het consult. Daarnaast ontving ik de rekening niet zoals afgesproken per mail (ik had aangegeven een tijdje naar het buitenland te gaan), maar per post. Het behandelplan dat mij beloofd was heb ik nooit ontvangen.

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I came to have my wire fixed and received a bill for 330 euros. This is more than the maximum amount indicated in advance, so I would have greatly appreciated it if this had been discussed with me during the consultation. In addition, I did not receive the bill by email as agreed (I had indicated that I would be going abroad for a while), but by post. I never received the treatment plan I was promised.

bessie bird 05 Jul 2022 - 14:18

Whilst the dentistry is undeniably good.
The customer service is not.
I am being aggressively pursued and threatened with a fine for a bill I settled at the time of leaving the practice on the day of my treatment 16th June.
It is an administrative error on their side that I am being made responsible for.
And no one there is listening to me.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Bessie Bird, we are very sorry to hear that you are unsatisfied with our customer service. If this is indeed an administrative error on our part, we would really like to get in contact with you to solve this problem. Unfortunately we can't find you in our system under this name. Could you contact our practice manager Danny via This will be very much appricated by us.

Zhanna Kovaleva 27 Jun 2022 - 17:07

It is truly remarkable what an outstanding dentist Dr. Tom Sledziewski is!! He literally saved the life of my daughter. We got to meet him when she needed urgent help, and my gratitude to him is beyond words. Highly professional, great expert, very knowledgeable. The best dentist I have ever heard of. All the doctors at AMC spoke super highly of him, he has an impeccable reputation. Many thanks, truly immensely grateful!

Jorik Schröder 13 Mei 2022 - 00:31

Dank Jordie

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste meneer Schröder, vriendelijk dank voor het achterlaten van deze positieve review. Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd en zal worden gedeeld met Jordie. Wij kijken er naar uit u weer te mogen verwelkomen op de praktijk.

Joost Baks 12 Mei 2022 - 20:09

Klein stukje van de kies werd zo gerepareerd met zorg en vakkundigheid. Periodieke controle en de mondhygienist ook op dezelfde locatie. Erg tevreden.

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A small piece of the tooth was repaired with care and skill. Periodic check-ups and the dental hygienist also at the same location. Very satisfied.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Joost B, vriendelijk dank voor het achterlaten van deze positieve review. Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd en zal worden gedeeld met ons team. Daarnaast vinden wij het fijn om te horen dat uw afspraak naar wens is verlopen. Wij kijken er naar uit u weer te mogen verwelkomen op de praktijk.

Bo Sk 29 Apr 2022 - 17:52

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DirkJan Kater 13 Apr 2022 - 21:37

Net geholpen door Tom! Hele fijne arts en prachtig resultaat, nam zelfs nog even de tijd om een kies, waarvan een stukje was afgebroken, te fixen! Fijn en dank!!

(Translated by Google)
Just helped by Tom! Very nice doctor and great results, even took the time to fix a tooth from which a piece had broken off! Nice and thanks!!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Dirk-Jan Kater, vriendelijk dank voor het achterlaten van deze mooie review. Wij zullen uw review delen met Tom. Wij zien ernaar uit u weer te mogen verwelkomen op onze praktijk.

H K 05 Apr 2022 - 05:54

Heb meerdere malen facturen ontvangen voor behandelingen die nooit zijn uitgevoerd door Ricardo en Victor van Lassus Apollolaan. Boeven. Zodra je met bewijs komt staan ze met een mond vol tanden. Dienstverlening is ook verre van voldoende Daarnaast lopen de afspraken altijd uit. Zonder excuus. Wegwezen hier!

(Translated by Google)
I have received invoices several times for treatments that were never performed by Ricardo and Victor van Lassus Apollolaan. Crooks. As soon as you provide evidence, they are speechless. Service is also far from sufficient. In addition, appointments always run late. Without excuse. Get out of here!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Geachte S. Addouchi, het is uiteraard niet onze bedoeling u een factuur te sturen voor een behandeling die niet heeft plaatsgevonden. Wij komen dan ook graag met u in contact om samen deze factuur door te nemen en te kijken naar een oplossing. Daarnaast onze oprechte excuses voor het uitlopen van uw afspraken zonder enige uitleg. Dit is niet de service die u van ons mag verwachten. Wij kunnen u helaas niet vinden in ons systeem onder deze naam. Zou u zo vriendelijk kunnen zijn om contact op te nemen met onze praktijkmanager Danny Junge via Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd.

Sinan Simsek 30 Mrt 2022 - 12:13

Ben erg tevreden!
Kort maar krachtig net zoals m'n ingreep :)
En gelukkig pijnloos!!

(Translated by Google)
I'm very satisfied!
Short but powerful, just like my procedure :)
And luckily painless!!

Joshua Brisbin 21 Mrt 2022 - 13:24

Fast, thorough and professional service! I was seen and got 2 X-ray quickly. I waited no longer than 5 min. they speak english

Yayaa’s Handtouch 24 Feb 2022 - 16:38

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Yayaa's Handtouch, naar aanleiding van uw beoordeling komen wij graag met u in contact om te praten over uw ervaring in onze praktijk. Gezien het aantal sterren is er veel ruimte voor verbetering. Wilt u dan ook contact opnemen met onze praktijkmanager Danny via Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd.

Maz J 22 Feb 2022 - 20:30

Great dentists, long opening hours so can easily go after work. Helpful in English. Appointments available.

Hugo Charles-Messance 06 Feb 2022 - 12:55

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Guidinha Gomes 27 Dec 2021 - 00:38

I usually don't share reviews but I hope my feedback can help you. :)
I cannot express how grateful I am for finding Dr Karin Weise and Dr. Tim Langeweg who brought back my smile. Their patience, care, expertise, professionalism and kidness goes behond words.
I arrived at Lassus with destroyed frontal teeth, huge infection and terrible sensitivity fro
a technical work performed by another dentist. I was so depressed and in such a  physical pain that I couldn't stop crying. However, here I got the best service and I love my veneers.
I also had two amazing hygienest Dr. Marly Stefens and Dr. Silke Urbanus who were so incredibly caring and their knowledge and professionalism is out of this world.

Sunitha Athisdam 13 Dec 2021 - 16:12

Honestly, the receptionists have got to be some of the worst I have experienced. You have to call and wait at least 15 mins to speak to someone and they never take responsibility, The dentists however are fine. So you have to suffer through that I am afraid.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Ms Athisdam, we are sorry to learn that you did not have a good experience with our receptionists. This is not the service you can expect from us. We are aiming for the best quality also at our reception, therefore I forwarded your review to our clinic manager, he will call you today to discuss this matter in person. Thank you for your feedback.

Renaud Berger 28 Okt 2021 - 00:19

I’m a very exigent person especially when it comes to medical (and esthetic) services and I’ve had THE best dentistry experience at Lassus Keizersgracht!

Dr Jordie Bouweriks and his team delivered very high-quality work to cover my dead front tooth with a porcelain facing. The results are beyond my expectations! The color is very natural, the shape is perfect and the process was very smooth.

I am glad I chose this dental practice as everyone has been very welcoming and professional! Thank you!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Renaud, thank you for your kind recommendation about our practice. This is very much appreciated by us and it will be shared amongst our team. We look forward to welcome you back soon.

al jubran 16 Okt 2021 - 11:40

And incredible group of people! Professional doctors, incredibly sweet and caring assistants and a smiling, welcoming receptionist.
Me and my partner did and still doing tens of different treatments there, we love the place

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Al Jubran, thank you for your kind recommendation about our practice. This is very much appreciated by us and it will be shared amongst our team. We look forward to welcome you back soon.

Nina Benning 12 Okt 2021 - 09:53

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Nina, naar aanleiding van uw beoordeling komen wij graag met u in contact om te praten over uw ervaring in onze praktijk. Gezien het aantal sterren is er veel ruimte voor verbetering. Wilt u dan ook contact opnemen met onze praktijkmanager Danny via Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd.

Dylan Amsterdam 92 02 Sep 2021 - 14:30

Bijzonder slechte ervaring met de organisatie. Niet met de tandartsen die hun uiterste best doen, maar met alles er omheen.

Lassus vraagt veel geld voor hun diensten maar leveren naar mijn inzien niet. Afspraken worden verkeerd gemaakt, op andere locaties en er word onprofessioneel aan de telefoon gedaan.

Mede hierom naar een andere tandarts gegaan.

Het ziet er allemaal mooi uit, maar de service laat te wensen over. Zonde!

(Translated by Google)
Very bad experience with the organization. Not with the dentists who do their utmost, but with everything around them.

Lassus charges a lot of money for their services, but in my opinion they don't deliver. Appointments are made incorrectly, at other locations and the telephone is unprofessional.

Partly because of this I went to another dentist.

It all looks nice, but the service leaves much to be desired. Shame!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Dylan, wat vervelend om te lezen dat u niet tevreden bent met onze service. Naar aanleiding van uw beoordeling komen wij graag met u in contact om te praten over uw ervaring met onze praktijk. Wilt u dan ook contact opnemen met onze praktijkmanager Danny Junge via Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd.

Shak Van 05 Aug 2021 - 11:39

Always a very good, clean experience at the practice and I'm happy to be a regular client!

Telephonic waiting time to make an appointment is crazy though. Always quite hard to get ahold of someone.

Nessie Dolores 03 Aug 2021 - 11:58

Been going to Lassus at Keizersgracht and Lassusstraat for the last 2 years. All the dentists and hygienists I've seen have been great, no complaints about them at all.
The people at the front desk, however, are something else. At both locations, they've been snooty and unhelpful. You know those movies where there's a snooty receptionist at the front desk of a modeling agency/advertising firm/gallery? That's exactly how the Lassus front desk folks are. They've also been incompetent with my insurance claim twice and have been neither apologetic nor helpful about it. In fact, the last time I went in and asked to verify my personal information, the receptionist gave me a look that could freeze vodka. Sigh.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Nessie, we are very sorry to learn that we did not meet your expectations. I can't find you in our system under this name. Could you please contact our clinic manager to discuss your experience with him? I'm sure we can find a solution together. You can reach Danny Junge via This will be very much appreciated by us.

Eniko Kato 05 Jul 2021 - 20:08

My opinion that this company is there to take your money, but has little / no interest in you. Pay for 40min intake, get 10min (maximum) - while you're only interested in seeing a hygienist... On top they were more than 25min late to see me (vs. the appointment scheduled time) - and had no manner to offer an apology for their "urgent case". ... Completely ridiculous experience. You make sure that you read the bad reviews, they are not here for nothing. Don't let the fancy reception take your attention away from the real matters. Both the assistant and the doctor were incredibly young - I doubt they have sufficient experience in what they are supposed to do...

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Eniko, we are very sorry to read that we did not meet your expectations. Our clinic manager has been in contact with you about your experience with us.

Dorota Jaronska 02 Jun 2021 - 21:31

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Daisy Zhang 17 Mei 2021 - 18:43

Nice service good fix

D 15 Mei 2021 - 19:41

Very bad service.

Annemarieke Lente 15 Mei 2021 - 12:55

Telefonisch vrijwel niet bereikbaar.

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Virtually unavailable by phone.

Hakima Bouazza 17 Mrt 2021 - 20:27

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Martijn Reppel 16 Mrt 2021 - 22:04

Keurige en schone praktijk met vriendelijke mensen die weloverwogen met alles m.b.t. je gebit omgaan. Ze willen niet slechts ordinair aan je verdienen maar adviseren wat het beste is, ook als ze daar niets aan verdienen!

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Neat and clean practice with friendly people who take a well-considered approach to everything regarding your teeth. They don't just want to make money from you, but advise what is best, even if they don't make any money from it!

Thirza Smolders 14 Mrt 2021 - 11:43

Na een slechte ervaring bij een andere locatie (stationsplein) van deze tandarts, ben ik 2 jaar uit zenuwen niet meer geweest. Omdat ik toch weer last kreeg, ben ik toch maar gegaan. Een spoed bezoek gehad en meteen een dag daarna een afspraak bij de mondhygieniste. De dag na de mondhygieniste, brak er een stuk kies af. Waarschijnlijk is er dus onzorgvuldig mee omgegaan.

Toen ik hierover belde, moest ik blijkbaar een 10 min discussie aan met de receptioniste die mij niet serieus nam en achteraf maar zei dat zij er niet over kon oordelen, dus moesten we maar een afspraak inplannen.

Voor iemand die angst heeft voor de tandarts, valt dit dus extra slecht. Ook bij het maken van OPNIEUW een spoed afspraak, vanwege de stuk kies, verliep het echt bijzonder slecht.

Bij binnenkomst van de afspraak, ging ik zitten en voordat ik maar 1 woord eruit kreeg, barste ik in tranen uit. Ik was zo zenuwachtig en vooral na dat telefoon gesprek, voelde ik mij echt niet meer prettig bij hun.
Ik probeerde mijn frustratie over dat gesprek te uiten naar de tandheelkundige , maar alles wat ik kreeg te horen was dat ze er niet bij was, dat ik het moest vergeten en moest kijken naar de toekomst. En het meest interessante, is dat er niks noppes nada aan mn kies is gedaan, maar dat ik maar weer een nieuwe afspraak moest maken.

Vind je het dan gek als ik nu zeg dat ik het gevoel kreeg dat ik niet serieus werd genomen?

Al met al, mijn vertrouwen is weg. Ik heb in de persoonlijk mail aangegeven dat mijn vertrouwen weg is en daar werd alleen op gereageerd met een bevestiging van uitschrijven.

Bij deze, ga NIET hier naar toe als je angstig bent voor de tandarts, want die aandacht hoef je hier niet verwachten. Onnodig extra afspraken maken en slechte klantenservice.

(Translated by Google)
After a bad experience at another location (station square) of this dentist, I haven't been back for 2 years out of nerves. Because I started having problems again, I went anyway. Had an emergency visit and an appointment with the dental hygienist the next day. The day after the dental hygienist, a piece of tooth broke off. It was probably handled carelessly.

When I called about this, I apparently had to have a 10-minute discussion with the receptionist who did not take me seriously and afterwards said that she could not judge it, so we had to schedule an appointment.

This is particularly bad for someone who is afraid of the dentist. Also when making an emergency appointment AGAIN, because of the broken tooth, things went really badly.

Upon entering the appointment, I sat down and before I could get even 1 word out, I burst into tears. I was so nervous and especially after that telephone conversation, I really didn't feel comfortable with them anymore.
I tried to express my frustration about that conversation to the dentist, but all I was told was that she wasn't there, that I should forget about it and look to the future. And the most interesting thing is that nothing has been done to my tooth, but I had to make a new appointment.

Do you think it's strange if I say now that I got the feeling that I wasn't being taken seriously?

All in all, my confidence is gone. I indicated in the personal email that my trust has lost and the only response was a confirmation of unsubscription.

In this case, DO NOT go here if you are afraid of the dentist, because you should not expect that attention here. Making unnecessary extra appointments and poor customer service.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste mevrouw Smolders, het spijt ons dat u niet goed bent geholpen in onze praktijk. We hebben inmiddels de desbetreffende collega's gesproken, zodat u en andere cliënten in de toekomst de juiste zorg van ons ontvangen.

Károly Mátyás 02 Feb 2021 - 17:23

Extra high quality service! At the first appointment, my dental condition was fully assessed. And they created a professional dental schedule.
- Dental cleaing, filling, etc.
My dental plan and treatment were done by the same doctor.
And I have to say, I have never ever seen this incredibly amazing job in my whole life. I never thought a filling can be perfect like that. Looks super natural and exactly the copy of the other side without taking simples.
Dr. Karin Weise is a God!!!!
Thank you so much!

Rachelle Bent 30 Jan 2021 - 11:23

Binnen 1 dag geholpen aan mijn afgebroken voortand door Tom

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Tom helped me with my broken front tooth within 1 day

Stefan Laarman 27 Jan 2021 - 08:18

Ben heel professioneel geholpen door Tom, Jordi en Yisef met het terug zetten van mijn draadje en daarna ook met het aftellen van mijn anti knars bitje. Alle drie de heren waren heel professioneel en ook vooral vriendelijk. Ik kan deze tandarts praktijk zeker aanraden.

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I was helped very professionally by Tom, Jordi and Yisef with putting back my wire and then also with the countdown of my anti-gnashing bit. All three gentlemen were very professional and above all friendly. I can definitely recommend this dental practice.

Ljupka Basta 15 Jan 2021 - 19:03

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Andrew 07 Jan 2021 - 19:40

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A. Hendriks 07 Jan 2021 - 18:38

The best dentist and hygiënist that I know!!

Soukaina Zejli 07 Jan 2021 - 17:26

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Alessandro Marasca 11 Dec 2020 - 00:43

My wife called to have a teeth cleaning for me and her, instead they push us to do an intake,less than 20 min costed 168, than they did a very botched job at cleaning( which it’s less than 30 min, of which at 10 spent telling you how back you clean your teeth) they were pushing me to take all my teeth to do implants. I was very fed up but after I’ve spent the money for the intake I hoped the service was worth it, instead it’s just a corporate money cow, and i regret so much to have fallen for it. The job was so poorly done, my wife’s teeth is still horribly stained( I couldn’t take a better picture but it’s just horrible) and they were very pushy to take her teeth out for an implant and wanting to book the extraction before Xmas, this is a place without a soul. I feel embarrassed to overshare the pictures but this lack of professionalism after I paid this price really bothered me. I’m sharing this in all their locations, because they have several under the name Lassus and few with another brand, you never see the same doctor, all staff very young not professional, they are nice people but not good dentists

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mr. Marasca,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us who helps us to improve the quality of our service. Please accept our sincere apologies for not being able to meet your and your wife expectations. The reason why the intake is so important, is because this allows us to examine your oral health and identify any problems at an early stage. We have forwarded your feedback to our clinic manager and the practitioner. They will contact you regarding your feedback as soon as possible.

Kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen

Francois van der merwe 09 Dec 2020 - 21:46

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CH Weis 06 Dec 2020 - 18:27

outstanding service

Lia Musch 03 Dec 2020 - 19:42

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Roland Kettle 03 Dec 2020 - 11:52

Great! Really professional, thorough and effective treatment. Saved my teeth!

Bart Severens 02 Dec 2020 - 20:14

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Bart Deben 02 Dec 2020 - 19:21

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Anthonetta Roodhuyzen de Vries 02 Dec 2020 - 18:48

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NEFOSKY 02 Dec 2020 - 17:59

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Tapsi Burek 29 Nov 2020 - 13:12

They will spam you with emails to remind you to clean your teeth for that nice extra €€€ but then when you email them for a needed appointment, they just don’t respond in any of their addresses.
Or maybe it’s because it’s in English and they don’t think expats are worth their time. Who knows!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mr. Burek,

We kindly thank you for your feedback and we are very sorry to learn that you have experienced our reminders as 'spam'. Every six months we send our clients a reminder so that they will know that it is time for a dental cleaning and a check up. If you find this unpleasant, you can always let us know and we can exclude you from sending these reminders. Also it makes us sad to read that your experience has made you think that expats are not welkom, since we are working together with different kind of expat communities to make you, expats, feel welkom at our clinics. The reason why it takes longer now for replying to our e-mail is because it is at the moment very busy at our clinics duel the end of the year.
Could you please be so kind to contact us so that we can talk with you regarding this matter? We can not find you unfortunately in our system under the name 'Tapsi Burek'. You can contact our clinic manager Danny Junge directly via

Kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen

Oliver Sinclair 26 Nov 2020 - 09:42

Amazing experience. The Dental Hygienist, Silvia, was absolutely fantastic!

Tom Roes 18 Nov 2020 - 14:29

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Martina Revello Lami 16 Nov 2020 - 15:50

One of the reason for choosing Lassus Practice for your dental care is the great number of specialists working at the many locations available in the city. This allows for spot on consultations, second opinions, quick booking and re-booking system, wide variety of available treatments and flexibility in schedule. The staff is very professional and locations are all provided with cutting edge equipment and stylishly furbished interiors which of course are not essential but definitely help make patients comfortable. Highly recommended.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Martina,

Thank you for your positive feedback! This makes us smile :-).

Kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen

Diana Machado 10 Nov 2020 - 12:35

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Mariana Almendrades 09 Nov 2020 - 20:46

wonderful practice with excellente customer attention and kindness; my entire family attends Lassus.

L. Faith Pramuk 09 Nov 2020 - 19:22

I absolutely love this dental practice. As someone with dentist-anxiety, the staff here have completely transformed my expectations and experience. Walter and Marley take such good care. With compassion, education and kindness, they have made a huge impact on how I practice and maintain my dental health. I look forward to my visits every time and leave with a big smile.

Ozzy E. 09 Nov 2020 - 15:53

Seen a few dentists in Amsterdam but Lassus is like my happy place. Helped with really extensive problems, extremely flexible and solutions oriented. They are like bridge for all things dutch and expats.

My special kudos goes to Monique! You made my day again and again.

Julian Bonomini 06 Nov 2020 - 16:53

Nice attention, professional staff and neat place overall

Alex Cappy 25 Okt 2020 - 10:27

Very happy with the experience here. They have been able to find me an appointment quickly when it was needed. The facilities are modern and beautiful!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Alex,

Thank you for your excellent rating! We are very glad to learn that you are happy with the experience.

Kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen

irisa ono 21 Okt 2020 - 16:06

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Mattie van den Bosch 09 Okt 2020 - 14:17

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Claudia Grigoras 04 Okt 2020 - 12:40

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Héctor Guillamón 03 Okt 2020 - 17:13

Always a good experience. Very proffessional and friendly

Helma Vogt 02 Okt 2020 - 17:10

Fijne relexe mensen en fijne sfeer.

(Translated by Google)
Nice relaxed people and nice atmosphere.

Liesbeth Kuin 02 Okt 2020 - 16:17

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Alisa Frunza 02 Okt 2020 - 15:56

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Laura Saenz 02 Okt 2020 - 15:33

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Pepijn Hentenaar 02 Okt 2020 - 14:53

Lassus Tandartsen ervaar ik als een plek waar er écht aandacht voor mij als patient is, waanzinnig goeie professionals werken en dat bovendien in een prachtige praktijk.

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I experience Lassus Dentists as a place where there is real attention for me as a patient, where incredibly good professionals work and in a beautiful practice.

Eltjo Stopél 02 Okt 2020 - 12:20

top tandarts!

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top dentist!

Kees van Mourik 09 Sep 2020 - 19:23

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Nancy Vogel 08 Sep 2020 - 22:25

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Jurjen van Dijk 08 Sep 2020 - 15:43

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Medusa 02 Sep 2020 - 17:28

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste cliënt,

Graag komen wij met u in contact om te praten over uw ervaring. Wij kunnen aan de hand van uw rating concluderen dat uw bezoek aan onze praktijk niet helemaal naar wens is verlopen. Wij zouden graag willen weten hoe wij dit kunnen verbeteren en wat er fout is gegaan. Omdat wij u niet in ons systeem kunnen vinden, vragen wij u vriendelijk om contact op te nemen met onze praktijkmanager Danny Junge via of te bellen naar 020 - 471 3137.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Hanne van Reenen 02 Sep 2020 - 14:40

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Anne Bemelman 02 Sep 2020 - 13:45

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Julie Barbaglia 02 Sep 2020 - 13:09

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Tom Veeke Music 02 Sep 2020 - 12:58

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Laith 02 Sep 2020 - 01:56

I send two emails to set an appointment but nobody answers, is the clinic closed?

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear client,

Thank you for contacting us. We are extremely sorry that nobody has answered your twe e-mails. This is definitely not what you should expect from us. Our clinic is not closed. We kindly ask you to contact our clinic manager Danny Junge directly so that we can apologize and see what went wrong. You can contact him via or give us a call 020 - 471 3137.

Please rest assured we have shared your comments with the manager to Ensure similar occurrences are avoided in the future.

Kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Sharon van wijnbergen 19 Aug 2020 - 18:26

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Man Djw 18 Aug 2020 - 15:17

Too commercial, always extra time/charge etc.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear client,

Thank you for your feedback. We are saddened about your rating and would like to get in touch with you to hear your opinion about how we can improve. Unfortunately we can not find you in our system under the name ''Man Djw'' so we kindly ask you to contact our clinic manager Danny Junge via

Kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen

Dini te Booij 18 Aug 2020 - 11:56

Hele fijne eerste ervaring. Tandarts was vriendelijk, geduldig en duidelijk in haar uitleg.

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Very nice first experience. Dentist was friendly, patient and clear in her explanations.

Baptiste Hausmann 17 Aug 2020 - 22:17

Great service, friendly and thorough. Getting an appointment was smooth and all went fast. Kuddos on the explanations on the state of my teeth health.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Baptiste,

thank you for your positive rating and kind feedback!

Kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen

Danique Smit 17 Aug 2020 - 19:03

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Anthony Ren 12 Aug 2020 - 09:35

Very Professionnals and excellent care advices

alice vianna 11 Aug 2020 - 14:02

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Ronnie Kinoshita 11 Aug 2020 - 09:48

I made an appointment with the dentist Walter Gomes Miranda, at the Keizersgracht branch. The service was flawless and quick. The office is clean, very organized, and professional.

Fadette van Staden 10 Aug 2020 - 21:13

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Valeriia Zlenko 10 Aug 2020 - 18:33

They work mostly good. Tooth removal went quick and without a long waiting time like in a hospital. I would recommend to imrove administration as I received 2 times a double invoice which takes me a lit of time to check and prove it is incorrect.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Valeria,

Thank you for your feedback. We are glad to read that you are happy with the treatment. Your feedback regarding the administration we will certainly take into account. We welcome any additional feedback you may choose to share. Since we can not find you in our system, we kindly ask you to contact our clinic via 020 - 471 3137 or

Kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen

Yasmin Moledina 10 Aug 2020 - 15:29

Everyone is very friendly and provides great customer service. The treatment is also great for the price

Charalampos Lazaridis 10 Aug 2020 - 14:58

Nice place, nice people! Painless!

Marcel de Moel 10 Aug 2020 - 13:43

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Ioannis Kyriakongonas 10 Aug 2020 - 13:20

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Jan Coenraads 10 Aug 2020 - 13:10

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tim langeweg 10 Aug 2020 - 12:33

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Marcos Gomez Vega 14 Jul 2020 - 10:37

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Мария Сухова 03 Jul 2020 - 11:31

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Vlado Kai Cech 02 Jul 2020 - 17:57

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Katie Cotterell 23 Jun 2020 - 10:10

Staff were nice and service seemed fine (just a check up) but pricing seems excessive. I had no problems but was charged the maximum possible for the intake check (104 EUR) and they charge 25EUR even just to look at my old x-rays (as I didn’t need new ones) which seems a way of adding on extra costs.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Katie,

We would kindly thank you for taking your time to provide us with your precious feedback. We are pleased by your positive comment regarding our staff and service but we are sorry to read that you had the feeling that our practice is adding extra costst without any reason. Please notice that the prices in The Netherlands are fixed and set on a yearly basis by the Dutch Healthcare authority (NZa), which is commissioned by the government.

Our clinic manager will contact you any time soon to discuss this matter further and answer any questions you may have.

Kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen

Niels Venrooy 09 Jun 2020 - 23:54

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Paul van Trotsenburg 09 Jun 2020 - 22:57

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Berber 09 Jun 2020 - 22:12

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D D 09 Jun 2020 - 20:39

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Sara Golden 09 Jun 2020 - 17:21

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A Maduro 09 Jun 2020 - 15:50

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Rakish Gangapersad 09 Jun 2020 - 15:40

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Silvia Gunn Márquez 09 Jun 2020 - 15:18

as always, great experience, lovely professional and place is well conditioned for the patients

Fons Aalder 08 Jun 2020 - 17:21

Terrible front office. The older receptionist at Keizersgrach is so arrogant and rude

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear client,

Thank you for taking the time to review your visit at Lassus Tandartsen. We are very sorry that this is how you have experienced our front office staff. We have well noted your remarks and do hope we have the opportunity to turn your opinion round in the future. Please do contact our clinic manager Danny Junge directly via should you wish to discuss this further as we will be happy to address your concerns in greater detail.

Kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen

Lizet Kraal 05 Jun 2020 - 15:02

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A. 04 Jun 2020 - 23:39

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear client,

In regards to your review we would like to get in touch with you, because we can conclude from this that there is a lot to improve from our side. Only with your valuable feedback we can improve our services and dental care. Please get in touch with our clinic manager Danny Junge via or 020 - 471 3137. This will be very much appreciated by us.

Kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen

Pavel Yokhym 04 Jun 2020 - 15:17

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Han Van der ploeg 03 Jun 2020 - 19:28

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surdar truyens 03 Jun 2020 - 19:08

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Odie Marcet 03 Jun 2020 - 17:18

Ben een angst patiënt wordt altijd met zoveel respect behandeld en serieus genomen .
Ik waardeer dat echt ga hier nooit meer weg.

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An anxiety patient is always treated with so much respect and taken seriously.
I really appreciate that, never leaving here again.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Odie,

Lassus Tandartsen hecht veel waarde aan de mening van onze cliënten en wij stellen uw reactie dan ook erg op prijs! Wij zijn erg blij met u als cliënt en zijn blij om te lezen dat dit wederzijds is. Graag tot de volgende keer!

Met vriendelijke groet,
Lassus Tandartsen

Stefanie Ladangh 03 Jun 2020 - 17:07

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emily lammers 03 Jun 2020 - 16:40

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Wim Smits 03 Jun 2020 - 15:13

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Fleur Sikkes 03 Jun 2020 - 15:08

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Neda van Altena 03 Jun 2020 - 14:17

Ik heb geen op- of aanmerkingen. Fijne tandartspraktijk!

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I have no comments or comments. Nice dental practice!

Santiago Figueira 03 Jun 2020 - 13:17

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M7 02 Jun 2020 - 22:10

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Ann H. 02 Jun 2020 - 18:44

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Marja Driehuizen 02 Jun 2020 - 17:34

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Aashiya Jaleel 02 Jun 2020 - 16:54

The dental clinic was very clean and impressed with all the safety measures and standards that they follow.
I went to get my teeth cleaned and the dentist was very thorough and very careful. She explained in detail how I should be taking care of my teeth routinely.
I am overall very happy :D

Ilona 13 Mei 2020 - 08:31

Worst dentist I know. I had an appointment as my wisdom tooth was infected. 2 days later the infection spread to my throat and I could hardly breath. I asked for an appointment which was later cancelled by the dentist as it wasn’t needed in her eyes. Even my partner called to Explain how bad the situation was, infection was now up to under my eye, lymph and spread in my top and bottom jaw. Again a consult was made and later cancelled as the dentist did not find it necessary for me to come in. In the end I needed to go to an emergency dentist. Which gave me antibiotics, longer than the standard 5 days as the infection was really bad. If I was any later, I needed to go to the hospital as the infection was in my bone. Worse dentist in Amsterdam!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Ms. van der Laan,

Thank you for your honest review. We regret to read that you are unhappy with the dental care we provided you and we truly apologize for this. We really would like to get in touch with you to know how the situations is at the moment regarding your health. Please feel free to contact us at any time since we can not find you in our system. You can contact our clinic manager Danny Junge directly via

Kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen

Vincent van Amerongen 21 Apr 2020 - 19:23

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste meneer van Amerongen,

Hartelijk dank voor uw review. Helaas kunnen wij hieruit concluderen dat uw bezoek niet naar wens is verlopen. Graag komen wij met u in contact om te praten over uw ervaring in onze praktijk. Alleen met uw feedback kunnen wij onze zorg en dienstverlening verbeteren. Omdat wij u niet in ons systeem kunnen vinden, vragen wij u vriendelijk om contact op te nemen met onze praktijk manager Danny Junge via

Met vriendelijke groet,
Lassus Tandartsen

Andrew Smith 10 Apr 2020 - 14:44

He was like Billy the Kid the speed he took my two teeth out. I blinked, and they were gone. What a guy!

Erwan De Kerouara 09 Apr 2020 - 19:30

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L. Michael 03 Apr 2020 - 13:34

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Coretta Adriaans 21 Mrt 2020 - 15:01

Excellent dental clinic! I had a dental emergency which they handled extremely well. I was able to get in right away, the staff were kind, and the dentist was gentle. Highly recommend!

Ερωφίλη Δημητρακοπούλου 10 Mrt 2020 - 18:28

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Giulia Grigolon 10 Mrt 2020 - 17:36

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Paul Taylor 10 Mrt 2020 - 16:53

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Dobromir A 10 Mrt 2020 - 16:26

Nice and quiet clinic near the downtown with very good professionals.

Emiliana Mendoza 10 Mrt 2020 - 15:18

The attention of the staff and the quality of the appointment was really good

Joanna Tomkiewicz 10 Mrt 2020 - 12:03

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ewoutvs 10 Mrt 2020 - 11:22

Highly competent dentists and staff and clean and pleasant locations that are conveniently located throughout the city. Always a pleasure.

Rosanna Buckert 10 Mrt 2020 - 10:56

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Hans Bal 10 Mrt 2020 - 10:53

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Deventer Antoine 10 Mrt 2020 - 10:50

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear client,

In regards to your review we would like to get in touch with you, because we can conclude from this that there is a lot to improve from our side. Only with your valuable feedback we can improve our services and dental care. Please get in touch with our clinic manager Danny Junge via or 020 471 3137. This will be very much appreciated by us.

Kind regards,

Lassus Tandartsen

Joris Kelderman 10 Mrt 2020 - 10:46

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Camila Quintero 03 Mrt 2020 - 16:01

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Inge van Eijck 03 Mrt 2020 - 15:59

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Loekie van Valkenhoef 03 Mrt 2020 - 13:37

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Peter K 03 Mrt 2020 - 12:50

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Jewels 03 Mrt 2020 - 12:01

Overall it was a great experience. The dentist was knowledgeable and explained how the referral process would work to get my wisdom teeth out. The dental hygienist was nice. Everyone was professional and it was as painless as it could be.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear client,

We appreciate your time to share your comments with us and we are glad to read that you are satisfied with our service!

Kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen

Florin Machedon 03 Mrt 2020 - 11:07

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Charley E 03 Mrt 2020 - 11:03

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Mike Kalingart 03 Mrt 2020 - 10:57

Supergoed geholpen.

(Translated by Google)
Very helpful.

J. Jiang 28 Feb 2020 - 18:36

I have been a happy patient of this clinic for about a year.

Then one day I had some pain in my implant so I came in to get some treatment which didn't help and I had to go back two days later for another treatment that made the pain go away. The doctor of the second treatment even said two days ago the first doctor didn't do anything relevant. I received bills for both treatments and I paid both.

One month later was my implant appointment. I went in for about 5-10 minutes, the doctor only took a look and asked me to go home to find out more information from my previous dentist, which I already did accroding what they had me ask before hand, but it wasn't enough. For this appointment I got a bill for a proper treatment. That was the last straw for me!

After some communications, Lassus decided to lower the cost of the implant appointment and reimburse me the first pain treatment that didn't work. The thing is they only reimbursed me the money I paid from my own pocket not the part covered by my insurance, which had maxed up by them and I had to pay my own money for later treatments including the implant treatment.

After more communication, they just ignored me and asked me to talk to their invoice company! And that went no where.

So I decided to leave it like that and also leave the dentist.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mr. Jiang,

We appreciate your time to share your comments with us very much since this gives us a valuable opportunity to respond and reflect.
Please accept our sincere apologies for not being able to meet your entire expectations and the inconvenience regaring the invoices.
We can see in the communication towards you that our colleague did send you an e-mail with the message that also the costs from your insurance are reimbursed. We already asked our colleague to contact the invoice company, to find out where it went wrong. She will contact you as soon as possible.
Please feel free to contact us at any time in case we can be of any further assistance.

Yours sincerely,
Lassus Tandartsen

Jeffrey 26 Feb 2020 - 14:57

Waardeloze receptie! Ik heb anderhalve week geleden een afspraak ingepland als nieuwe klant (receptioniste heeft zelf de datum aangeboden), kom ik vandaag aan word er verteld dat ik helemaal geen afspraak heb staan maar er wel een klantenbestand is aangemaakt. Niemand die verantwoordelijkheid neemt voor de gemaakte fout natuurlijk en de volgende mogelijkheid voor een afspraak is 3 weken verder.

(Translated by Google)
Lousy reception! I scheduled an appointment a week and a half ago as a new customer (the receptionist offered the date herself), when I arrive today I am told that I do not have an appointment at all, but a customer file has been created. Of course, no one takes responsibility for the mistake made and the next opportunity for an appointment is 3 weeks later.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Jeffrey,

Lassus Tandartsen hecht veel waarde aan de mening van onze cliënten en wij stellen uw reactie dan ook erg prijs. Wij vinden het jammer om te lezen dat uw bezoek niet is verlopen zoals gepland. Wij nemen uw feedback zeer serieus en hebben inmiddels contact gehad met onze collega. Wij begrijpen dat uw tijd waardevol is en doen er alles aan om ervoor te zorgen dat u zo snel mogelijk terecht kunt bij een van onze behandelaren. Wij vinden het spijtig dat u die dag geen afspraak had staan, maar ons inzien heeft onze collega er alles aan gedaan om u te voorzien van een afspraak door aan onze behandelaar te vragen of u op dezelfde dag nog een afspraak kon krijgen, echter was dit helaas niet meer mogelijk. Ook wilde onze collega graag voor u een nieuwe afspraak op korte termijn inplannen, eerder dan 3 weken.

Wij kijken graag met u mee hoe de vork in de steel zit en hoe wij verder kunnen helpen. Daarom nodigen wij u van harte uit om contact met ons op te nemen via

Met vriendelijke groet,
Justina Sarwaji – Lassus Tandartsen

Anthony 26 Feb 2020 - 00:35

Im giving the 2 stars because staff are very polite and friendly. The aesthetics of the dentist is lovley, very clean and relaxing environment.

The lack of 3 stars is the over charging of the place, i have recently moved dentist and i got qouted €2200 for the work that needed doing, my new dentist which i have moved over to laughed at the quotation and charged me €880 for the exact same work.

I have also spoke to numerous expats and dutch who have all said stay away from this place as they tend to over charge and qoute you for the most expensive materials to be used.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Anthony,

We would kindly thank you for taking your time to provide us with your feedback.
While we are pleased by your positive comments regaring our practitioners and the environment we are very sorry to read of the disappointment experience about the costst of the treatment.
Please notice that the prices in The Netherlands are fixed and set on a yearly basis by the Dutch Healthcare authority (NZa), which is commissioned by the government.
The difference in prices may depend on the technical work that has been done. Also we are committed to ethical and sustainability care, that is why we only use high quality materials which our clients can enjoy for many years in good condition.

Should you wish to discuss this matter further, we will be happy to clarify your concern in greater detail. Since we can not find you in our system, please do contact us directly via

With kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen

Ioana Sitea 18 Feb 2020 - 10:00

Absolutely, hands-down the best dentist I have ever been to. I have done quite some work with them and they are always flawless. I'm usually extremely scared of going to the dentist, but Ms. Horati (who is my main doctor) is so calm and kind that I am not scared and nervous anymore. I recommend Lassus 100% and I would never go elsewhere.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Ms. Sitea,

Thank you for your excellent rating! We are very pleased by your positive comments. We will definitely share your comments with the team.

Laf 17 Feb 2020 - 15:04

Great dentists with terrible front office.
Receptionists make stupid mistakes that costs a
a lot of delays in your treatment. Nobody takes responsibility or tries to make up for errors, one of the worse customer experience I have seen in my life.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear cliënt,

We would like to thank you for reaching out to us about your experience in our clinic.
We are saddened about your experience. Our goal is to deliver a pleasant visit at all time for all of our clients and we regret we were unable in doing so.
Since we can not find you in our system under the nam Laf, we kindly would ask you to contact us to discuss this matter further. With your feedback we will do everything in our power to make sure your next visit at our clinic will be pleasant as possible.
You can contact us via

Kind regards,
Lassus Tandartsen

No Way 15 Feb 2020 - 16:07

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Colleen Boland 12 Feb 2020 - 21:51

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Lefiola Papa 11 Feb 2020 - 18:28

Absolutely amazing office where every single person is so sweet, welcoming and knowledgeable. I usually hate going to the dentist, but this office has truly changed my mind.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Lefiola,

Thank you for your admirable review! We are happy to have you as our client and we are happy to read that this is mutual.

Julia Polykarpou 11 Feb 2020 - 18:12

I had a a clean and polish from Maria and I am really happy. She is great I strongly recommend her! Thank you Maria so much:)

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Julia,

Thank you for reaching out to us. We are happy to read that you had a nice experience with Maria. We are happy with her too! We will send your compliments to her.

Paolo Licchetta 08 Feb 2020 - 18:27

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Emily Broughton 05 Feb 2020 - 10:28

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Nicola Malorgio 05 Feb 2020 - 01:47

As always very good experience with my dentist Walter. He is very caring, the best. All the studio is very clean, modern and well organized. Very friendly staff.

Casper Ivan Kasapović 04 Feb 2020 - 19:37

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Whitney Koontz 04 Feb 2020 - 18:35

Friendly staff, professional service and on time.

Anton Nemtsev 28 Jan 2020 - 19:27

They have promised to send me the treatment program they have created for me and the results of the first sessions on email — this never happens. How I can trust them now?
But they surely send me bill and this survey.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Anton,

Thank you for your feedback who helps us to improve the quality of our service. Please accept our sincere apologies for not sending you the estimate. I am not sure what went wrong but this is definitely not what you should expect from us. Your feedback has been send to the management and they will contact you as soon as possible and will send you the estimate as well.

Evelina Janusauskaite 22 Jan 2020 - 20:53

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Talaat Khalil 20 Jan 2020 - 17:43

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Silvester Rigo 20 Jan 2020 - 15:56

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Gadi Regev 14 Jan 2020 - 18:50

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Yasemin 14 Jan 2020 - 08:41

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Khaled Salim 13 Jan 2020 - 16:37

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Monique Royer 03 Jan 2020 - 09:18

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drsantosh Voodi 02 Jan 2020 - 18:28

I am a dentist from India , i have done masters in orthodontics and dento facial orthopaedics , i already written everything on a paper and send it with your receptionist, and i already told that i am leaving Amsterdam that day evening , she cant even taken that paper inside also . this is how you people respect other country doctors ,very nice of you . very bad experience from your clinic doctor.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mr. Voodi,

We are extremely sorry for your experience and your feedback has already been addressed with the relevant parties. We are always willing to provide each person the very best service and never refuse to offer our help.

As we do not know what kind of paper you were offering, we kindly ask you to send it directly to our clinic manager Yamuna Martens via She is looking forward to receive your paper and she will handle it with care.

Ruurd Kranenberg 17 Dec 2019 - 11:40

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Roxana Popescu 16 Dec 2019 - 18:03

Very bad experience. I go with a tooth pain. Next step she said I need a photo of the tooth we make it . After she said if I want to fix the tooth gonna cost me 2000€ wich is .... speechless ...then I said that is to much for fixing one tooth 2000€ so she said that she gonna put it out. Wich I didn’t agree because is not so bad the problem so I extract my tooth. At the end she put me to pay 120€ the consultation inside of the dentist room not at the reception and I didn’t have cash an she said that is only cash , I go put money out pay her, when I ask for the recipe for the 120€ she say that they gonna give me at the reception. I went at the reception the charged me 85€ for the photo of the tooth , because was only one photo, but on the recipe it says that the were made 3 photos. I asked why ? They said that like this they write. Anyway after I looked on the recipe that they give me the 120€ that I payed to the doctor inside they are not there. So I payed 205€ for a photo that they didn’t give me and I go from there with the same pain that I came because she not even touch the tooth. She was just saying to me what other problems I have. So I do not recommend at all, if you are young, you don’t speak good English they just do what they want with you and at the end is just loose of a lot of money and time and not even the problem solved!!!!!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Ms. Pralea, we are so sorry to learn that your experience wasn't as it should be at our clinic. From what we read, we believe this is all been a terrible miscommunication, which we would like to sort out with you accordingly and find a solution together. Therefore we kindly urge you to contact our clinic manager Anne van Noorden via or 020-2104007.

André Hammersma 14 Dec 2019 - 00:13

De beste praktijk en de liefste tandarts die ik ooit heb gehad.

(Translated by Google)
The best practice and sweetest dentist I have ever had.

Cornelis Dijkers 12 Dec 2019 - 21:25

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Qux 12 Dec 2019 - 19:14

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Fabio Casado 12 Dec 2019 - 16:44

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Alejandro Arregui 12 Dec 2019 - 16:01

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Gülçen Ciddi 06 Dec 2019 - 13:35

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Lv Pe 06 Dec 2019 - 08:22

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Moira VDP 05 Dec 2019 - 22:42

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Kelly Dols 05 Dec 2019 - 20:08

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Scott Wang 05 Dec 2019 - 19:31

Had some pain in tooth, the dentist did some light cleaning to my teeth and then the pain didn't go away at all. Two days later I came back another dentist cues my pain and commented the last dentist didn't do anything.

Obviously both "treatment" were billed.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mr. Wang, we are so sorry to hear that the first treatment didn't go well. Unfortunately we cannot find you in our system under this name, so please contact our clinic manager Yamuna Martens via 0204221912 or We would like to discuss what happened and seek for a solution to the inconvenience this has cost you. This will be very much appreciated by us.

Daan van Keulen 05 Dec 2019 - 17:41

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Chloé Becker 05 Dec 2019 - 17:14

They took care of all my dental needs!

Angeline van der Pol 05 Dec 2019 - 17:06

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Edmond Cooney 05 Dec 2019 - 16:39

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Anne de Graaf 05 Dec 2019 - 16:17

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James 05 Dec 2019 - 16:08

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Roberto Vecilla 05 Dec 2019 - 16:04

Very professional. I went there to remove a wisdom teeth, I had a consultation and I got an appointment right the next day. The removal went super smooth, literally in 2 minutes I was already out of the clinic! I definitely will come back if needed, great job!

Lesley Gunn 05 Dec 2019 - 16:04

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Emma Móré 19 Nov 2019 - 12:44

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ΓΕΩΡΓΙΑ ΕΦΑΠΛΩΜΑΤΑ 13 Nov 2019 - 11:16

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Alfons Vergouw 12 Nov 2019 - 14:41

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Renske Vroomans 12 Nov 2019 - 13:07

Prima eerste ervaring met de tandarts en mondhygienist. Ik vond het fijn dat er tijd was om te bespreken of ik iets specifiek wilde laten doen, zonder gepusht te worden richting behandelen. De mondhygieniste was zo zachthandig en toch een fijn schoon gebit naderhand. Aanrader!

(Translated by Google)
Excellent first experience with the dentist and dental hygienist. I liked that there was time to discuss whether I wanted to have something specific done, without being pushed towards treatment. The dental hygienist was so gentle and still had nice clean teeth afterwards. Recommended!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Renske, wat fijn om te lezen dat uw eerste ervaring zo prettig is verlopen en u na afloop een fijn, schoon gebit had. We zullen uw review met veel plezier delen aan Niels en Marlou. Mocht er onverhoopt iets gebeuren wat u niet prettig vind, kunt u uiteraard gerust contact met ons opnemen.

Yannis Kantarelis 12 Nov 2019 - 12:01

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Edgars Tutins 12 Nov 2019 - 11:43

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Ruben Tamminga 05 Nov 2019 - 23:15

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Job Angula 05 Nov 2019 - 19:44

I went in with a very painful and inflamed nerve in my tooth. Dr. Negisti Terborg was so patient with me and very cautious. Her calmness and gentleness made a very painful root canal cleaning bearable. She is very professional and clearly knows what she’s doing. Keep up the great work Doc.

November 2019 Update:

The service at this practice is really great. I went back for a root canal treatment and Dr. Sander Menso is really meticulous and pays attention to detail. He kept checking in to make sure I’m okay and he kept updated as he went on with the treatment. Thank you very much.

MAE 05 Nov 2019 - 16:13

I had an operation to pull my 2 wisdom teeth out at Lassus. The operation was successful and injuries recovered in 10 days thank you very much. They have a good system in general. However, Dr. haven't informed me about how to take care of my injuries, I mean "none". Just told me don't eat for 30min. and sent me home. Therefore I had some problems in following days,so I had to go to dentist again just for consultancy 2 times and I had to use antibiotics. Of course it cost me some extra $$. In short, more caring for inexperienced patients please. The rest is good.

Charlotte Ouwehand 05 Nov 2019 - 15:42

Beautiful, clean location, very good scheduling system and kind people. Was treated by a lovely, young dentist and her assistant. Explained everything in detail and what was going to happen. I felt more than comfortable and can warmly recommend. Looking forward to go again.

Andrea Flogelova 05 Nov 2019 - 15:33

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Fernando Moledero 05 Nov 2019 - 14:18

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Gerasimos Giannos 05 Nov 2019 - 13:53

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Noera Kieviet 05 Nov 2019 - 13:01

Really friendly and good care

Paul Schouten 05 Nov 2019 - 12:12

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Laura van der Laan 05 Nov 2019 - 11:23

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Maruja León 31 Okt 2019 - 16:54

I'm not totally satisfied with the service. I had two appoinment instead of one because the procedure not was well done in the first one. They prescribe me antibiotics when it was not necessary. After 3 months I'm still asking for my invoice because it was made wrong two times. If you compare price with the quality of the service is not the best.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mrs. Leon, we are sorry to learn that you are not totally satisfied with our services. Therefore we would like to get in touch with you to discuss your experience so we can improve our services. Please contact our clinic manager Yamuna Martens via or 020-422 1912. Thank you

Tanit P. de Pablos 24 Okt 2019 - 10:38

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ton warndorff 21 Okt 2019 - 08:31

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Sabrine Philipsen 17 Okt 2019 - 16:12

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Peter Hoeben 17 Okt 2019 - 15:06

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oj kaynan 17 Okt 2019 - 09:50

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Doina Kraal 16 Okt 2019 - 21:42

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Tania “Tania Bondaro” 16 Okt 2019 - 11:58

No hustle, very humane and friendly reception. They answer emails. The doctor (dentist) was very attentive to detail. And no pain. Thanks!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Thank you for the wonderful review, Tania. We are happy to learn that you didn't experience any pain during your last treatment and that your dentist was very attentive to detail.

Olga Korchevskaya 16 Okt 2019 - 11:53

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Nuno Cruz 16 Okt 2019 - 11:39

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Alessandro Caliendo 16 Okt 2019 - 11:05

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Malo Zacar 16 Okt 2019 - 10:57

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Irina Ionita 16 Okt 2019 - 10:43

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Merlijn van der Storm 10 Okt 2019 - 18:46

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Naomi Polhaupessy 10 Okt 2019 - 13:06

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Rūta Narkevičiūtė 10 Okt 2019 - 10:38

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Seda C. Ceyhan 10 Okt 2019 - 00:15

I had a very good experience in this practice. The doctor Rosalie was super nice and knowledgeable, and very friendly with my son. Recently my son (6) had his first filling here. He was very nervous about having a filling but he didn’t even feel a slightest pain, on the contrary he was very happy and proud of himself afterwards.. and I was amazed by the doctor’s talent of handling kids! Totally recommend both for adults and children!

marc pekelharing 09 Okt 2019 - 18:38

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Peter van de Westeringh 09 Okt 2019 - 17:44

Snel een afspraak kunnen maken. Ik kreeg een goede heldere uitleg van de situatie met een duidelijk advies voor behandeling.

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Being able to make an appointment quickly. I received a good, clear explanation of the situation with clear advice for treatment.

Daniel Moerman 09 Okt 2019 - 17:18

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Alisa Komarova 09 Okt 2019 - 15:38

Great dentist!

Dennis Carstens 09 Okt 2019 - 15:05

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Aneta LeTa 09 Okt 2019 - 15:04

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Annette Zwart 09 Okt 2019 - 14:10

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Barbara Wessel 09 Okt 2019 - 13:47

Niet zo"n beste ervaring. Ondanks haast voor mijn probleem duurt het 2 maanden voor ik terecht kan en zijn afspraken 2 x verzet.

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Not a great experience. Despite my haste for my problem, it took 2 months before I could be seen and appointments were rescheduled twice.

Mathilde Franse - Duivenvoorden 09 Okt 2019 - 13:37

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Giuliana 19 Sep 2019 - 10:58

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Bruno Uchoa 18 Sep 2019 - 13:35

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Varga Alíz 13 Sep 2019 - 23:20

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Ineke Koier 12 Sep 2019 - 20:50

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Raluca Gherghe 12 Sep 2019 - 20:17

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Kamila Kunda 12 Sep 2019 - 18:34

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Annigje Kwaad-Hombroek 12 Sep 2019 - 18:28

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Jonathan Swartout 12 Sep 2019 - 17:32

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Huub Juurlink 09 Sep 2019 - 10:48

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Marieke Aten 07 Sep 2019 - 09:06

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Sherianne Kramer 06 Sep 2019 - 17:16

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Mrinalini Luthra 06 Sep 2019 - 14:15

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Laurens Fernhout 06 Sep 2019 - 14:11

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Gonçalo Moreira Neves 06 Sep 2019 - 08:35

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Natalia Pershina 06 Sep 2019 - 01:21

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soufia zahri 05 Sep 2019 - 21:45

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Yuli Malka 05 Sep 2019 - 21:35

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melanie Fernandez 05 Sep 2019 - 21:17

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Eugenia Ten 05 Sep 2019 - 19:46

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Saveria Piras 05 Sep 2019 - 18:51

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Yue Wang 05 Sep 2019 - 18:39

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Martin A. Struijker Boudier 05 Sep 2019 - 18:35

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Heather Craig 05 Sep 2019 - 18:19

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Walid Ibrahim 10 Aug 2019 - 12:31

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste heer Ibrahim, graag komen wij met u in contact om te praten over uw ervaring. Op basis van uw beoordeling, zien wij veel ruimte voor verbetering. Helaas kunnen wij u onder de naam Walid Ibrahim niet vinden in ons systeem, wilt u dan ook contact opnemen met onze praktijk manager Yamuna Martens via 020-4221912. Alvast vriendelijk dank.

Claudia Ion 03 Aug 2019 - 16:02

Very professional and client focused.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Claudia, thank you for the kind review.

Dvd Hu 18 Jul 2019 - 16:22

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste client, omdat u alleen een beoordeling heeft afgegeven zonder inhoudelijke feedback, komen wij graag met u in contact om te praten over uw ervaring in onze praktijk. Aan uw beoordeling te zien is er iets niet goed gegaan en zoeken we graag samen met u naar een oplossing. Wilt u dan ook contact opnemen met onze praktijk manager Yamuna Martens via 0204221912 of Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd.

claudia heling 01 Jul 2019 - 23:32

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste mevrouw Heling, dank voor uw beoordeling op Google. Omdat wij n.a.v. uw beoordeling veel ruimte zien voor verbetering, verzoeken wij u om contact op te nemen met onze praktijk manager Yamuna Martens om te praten over uw ervaring in onze praktijk. Alleen met uw feedback kunnen wij onze zorg verbeteren en toetsen. U kunt contact opnemen via 020-4221912 of Alvast vriendelijk dank.

Nick Vieira 01 Jul 2019 - 07:55

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Jan Pieter Groeneveld 27 Jun 2019 - 14:31

Uitstekend geholpen door Nienke en Heleen! Zeer vakkundig, goede uitleg, geen centje pijn, en efficient zonder te haasten.

(Translated by Google)
Excellent help from Nienke and Heleen! Very professional, good explanation, no pain, and efficient without rushing.

Tania Shoukair 26 Jun 2019 - 10:50

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Marie van Boesschoten 26 Jun 2019 - 00:01

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Thao de Wit 25 Jun 2019 - 19:48

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Kathy 25 Jun 2019 - 14:58

I’ve been very satisfied. They have been extremely professional, welcoming and do a high quality job of helping me to take care of my teeth. The dental hygienists work at on a high level of quality and professionalism. I don’t like to go to the dentist, but they make me feel comfortable.

Nelleke Bos 25 Jun 2019 - 13:41

Gewoon vriendelijk, prettig en ze zijn ook heel lief voor mijn kind.

(Translated by Google)
Just friendly, pleasant and they are also very kind to my child.

Mila Koshterek 25 Jun 2019 - 11:39

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Paul Beek 25 Jun 2019 - 11:10

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Elske Hartholt 25 Jun 2019 - 11:02

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Erwin Michael 19 Jun 2019 - 20:06

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Emília Golim 18 Jun 2019 - 19:07

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Luc Verhoeven 18 Jun 2019 - 13:17

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Juana G. (Quetzal con gafas) 18 Jun 2019 - 12:02

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Fam Heemskerk 18 Jun 2019 - 11:44

Professional Treatment. Short waiting time on both occasions.

Elena Over 18 Jun 2019 - 11:42

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Coen Suurs 18 Jun 2019 - 11:08

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Rosalie van Deursen 18 Jun 2019 - 11:07

Fijne praktijk, ik ga met plezier naar de tandarts en mondhygiënist.

(Translated by Google)
Great practice, I enjoy going to the dentist and dental hygienist.

Kinga Nagy-Vincze 18 Jun 2019 - 10:53

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Izzy Bergman 18 Jun 2019 - 10:51

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Alexandre JANNEAU 05 Jun 2019 - 08:50

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Ella Jongenotter 22 Mei 2019 - 19:11

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claire sepp 14 Mei 2019 - 13:35

Simpelweg de beste tandartspraktijken van Nederland. Bij Lassus Tandartsen luisteren ze eerst goed naar je wensen en gaan vervolgens doeltreffend te werk met de meest innovatieve technieken die er zijn op tandheelkundig en -technisch gebied. Sympathiek, kundig en vrolijk team! Aanrader dus.

(Translated by Google)
Simply the best dental practices in the Netherlands. At Lassus Dentists they first listen carefully to your wishes and then work effectively with the most innovative techniques available in the dental and technical field. Sympathetic, knowledgeable and cheerful team! So recommended.

Hans Brouwers 13 Mei 2019 - 17:16

The experience was wonderful, however the "bridge" has once again come off again. Wondering if it can be redone on a more (or less) more permanent basis.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Hartelijk dank voor uw beoordeling!

Robertus Jansen 13 Mei 2019 - 16:41

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Fouzia Kasmi 12 Mei 2019 - 18:32

Wat een top mensen! Alle mensen die er werken zijn ontzettend beleefd, denken met je mee, kijken wat het beste voor je is, geven onzettend goed uitleg en advies, en zorgen voor de beste oplossing. Mijn complimenten voor deze tandartspraktijk!

(Translated by Google)
What great people! All the people who work there are extremely polite, think along with you, see what is best for you, provide excellent explanations and advice, and provide the best solution. My compliments for this dental practice!

Coos Dieters Print & Ink 11 Mei 2019 - 13:46

Ik heb helemaal GEEN bezoek gebracht aan Lassus

(Translated by Google)
I did NOT visit Lassus at all

Nadine Faber 07 Mei 2019 - 12:55

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Bedankt voor deze mooie beoordeling, Nadine.

Carlos Coelho 06 Mei 2019 - 22:08

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Hartelijk dank voor uw beoordeling.

Angelina Broekema 06 Mei 2019 - 19:44

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Bedankt voor uw review, mevrouw Broekema

KElektroid 06 Mei 2019 - 18:21

Thanks to the specialists and staff I have had the best experience I could have wished for out of a tricky situation. For years I had a lingering infection in the root canal of my two frontal teeth and I needed to get implants to fix the problem for good. I waited for years due to fright of surgery, the effects of the infection getting worse and worse. At Lassus I found a specialist who works with ceramic implants instead of titanium ones and the whole proces in itself is one that is as natural and organic as can be. No use of unnecessary antibiotics and a general faith in the healing properties of the body as a holistic organism. The general state of health of my body was taken into account before the procedure and a plan to get as fit as possible before surgery was made. I took the opportunity to implement a more healthy lifestyle and let go of some unhealthy habits. Now I walk around with healthy gums and a beautiful smile. I havent had such beautiful straight, white frontal teeth since I was 10. The infection is gone, I have energy again. I recovered very fast from the operation due to the great guidance and preparation time.

I cannot thank the people at Lassus enough for getting my overall health back and for the way they made me a part of the proces. Explaining everything in detail and always genuinly wanting to know if I was doing ok during the procedures. Kudos to the receptionists for being super social and chatty with me, getting me teas while I was hanging around like a nosferatu waiting for my new teeth to be finished. Great gratitude for the guy who designed my new frontal teeth, they are beautiful and perfectly imperfect if you know what I mean. ;) Finally the biggest thanks to Ilian, the implantologist, for his mastery and finesse. Because of his care and skill I hopped out of the chair after a 4 hour operation feeling clear, focused and fine.

Getting these ceramic implants has been a lifechanging experience in all the good ways. Im happy I waited this long because otherwise I would not have had this experience with these people that are truly passionate about their profession.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Kim, thank you so much for writing this honest review. We are so happy to read that you were able to took the opportunity to implement a more healthy lifestyle and walk around with healthy gums and a beautiful smile due to the treatments at our clinic. This is the reason why we became dentists :-)

Louki Maas 06 Mei 2019 - 17:47

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Jana Schmidtchen 06 Mei 2019 - 16:32

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Nilüfer Gündoğan 06 Mei 2019 - 15:39

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Olga Mishura 06 Mei 2019 - 15:11

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Irma Luiken 06 Mei 2019 - 14:55

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Ruben Wiegerinck 06 Mei 2019 - 14:54

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Eduardo Gregorio 23 Apr 2019 - 11:12

Just came back from an emergency appointment and the service was impeccable. From the phone call to the actual service, everything was perfect. I highly recommend it. = )

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Eduardo, thank you for the kind recommendation. Happy to read that you enjoyed our services, even though it was for an emergency appointment. We hope everything is OK now!

Sanne Stoutenbeek 17 Apr 2019 - 12:28

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E M 13 Apr 2019 - 12:28

Very good, nice and helpful. Beautiful building as well!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Thank you, Eri

Lotte Dragt 13 Apr 2019 - 11:18

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Mavi Bazzi 12 Apr 2019 - 11:08

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Mustafa 10 Apr 2019 - 13:27

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Marvin Evangelista 10 Apr 2019 - 12:32

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Rik van Hooff 09 Apr 2019 - 08:15

luisterend oor, deskundig en voortvarend optreden ( verwijderen hechtingen na trekken kies) en goed advies door gebruik meegegeven zachte borstel en afraden gebruik antibioticum

(Translated by Google)
listening ear, expert and energetic action (removing stitches after tooth extraction) and good advice provided by using a soft brush and advising against the use of antibiotics

Emily Surowka 08 Apr 2019 - 15:39

Super unprofessional clinic. I came in with a gum infection and left with nothing but an empty vial wrapped in a paper towel. No cleaning/disinfecting. No antibiotics. When I took the dentist's referral to the hospital (who recommended I have a tooth removed), the surgeon told me the wrong side of my mouth was noted and the tooth was perfectly healthy. I am now left with 150eur hospital bill for absolutely nothing. I wrote to the clinic and received no reply....

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Ms. Surowka, we are sorry to learn that we didn't meet your expectations and you never received a response to your complaint.Sometimes we give a referral to remove your wisdom tooth preventional and that's also why we don't prescribe antibiotics. Please feel free to contact our Clinic Manager Yamuna Martens via if you would like to discuss your experience and perhaps find a solution together.

Sandra Cunha 08 Apr 2019 - 09:37

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Tanko Boglarka 04 Apr 2019 - 19:17

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Anne Dumoulin 04 Apr 2019 - 15:40

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Emilie 04 Apr 2019 - 15:09

Lassus is een superfijne tandartspraktijk. De medewerkers zijn erg goed in hun werk en heel erg vriendelijk. Ik vond de tandarts doodeng, en het is nog steeds niet mijn hobby, maar iedereen houdt rekening met mijn ietwat gespannen houding als ik in de stoel lig. En ik kan zo leuk kletsen over van alles en nog wat met sommige medewerkers!

(Translated by Google)
Lassus is a super nice dental practice. The employees are very good at their work and very friendly. I found the dentist terrifying, and it is still not my hobby, but everyone takes my somewhat tense posture into account when I lie in the chair. And I have so much fun chatting about anything and everything with some of the employees!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Emilie, wat fijn om te lezen dat je zo blij bent met onze praktijk en dat er in het bijzonder zo goed rekening wordt gehouden met jouw angst. We weten dat onze clienten niet altijd met plezier naar de tandarts gaan, maar we doen er alles aan om het zo aangenaam mogelijk te maken;-)

Inez van der Werf 04 Apr 2019 - 07:03

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martin Grobler 03 Apr 2019 - 20:35

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Thank you, Martin :-)

Anton van der Linden 03 Apr 2019 - 16:46

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Jessica Procter 03 Apr 2019 - 16:25

Great dentist! Would highly recommend

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Jessica, thank you for the kind recommendation.

Dieneke Amesz 03 Apr 2019 - 16:15

Bij Lassus Tandartsen word je netjes behandeld, zowel door de receptioniste als door de mondhygieniste.

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At Lassus Dentists you will be treated nicely, both by the receptionist and the dental hygienist.

Bart Klijnstra 03 Apr 2019 - 14:58

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Natália Falsetti 03 Apr 2019 - 13:29

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Willem Fonteijn 03 Apr 2019 - 13:21

Uitstekende service en zeer kundige tandartsen.

(Translated by Google)
Excellent service and very skilled dentists.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Hartelijk dank, Willem.

Valeryia Sialitskaya 03 Apr 2019 - 12:56

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George Triantafillou 03 Apr 2019 - 12:49

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Kamil Kiedos 03 Apr 2019 - 12:44

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Ricky Weissman 03 Apr 2019 - 12:43

Professional, Clean and pleasant. Very satisfied with this Dentist office.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Ricky, thank you for your review on Google. We're happy to read that you are very satisfied with our services.

Ingrid van Tienen 03 Apr 2019 - 12:42

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monique lohuis 03 Apr 2019 - 12:24

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James Andrew 03 Apr 2019 - 12:24

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Lauren Meijer 03 Apr 2019 - 12:17

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Wim S 27 Mrt 2019 - 10:14

Door slechte communicatie met de tandarts van deze praktijk zijn mijn tanden scheef gaan staan. Vervolgens werd mij geadviseerd om 3 jaar een beugel te nemen.

Ik zou iedereen aanbevelen een grote boog om deze tandarts heen te maken. Hij is duur en slecht.

(Translated by Google)
Due to poor communication with the dentist at this practice, my teeth became crooked. I was then advised to get braces for 3 years.

I would recommend everyone to give this dentist a wide berth. It's expensive and bad.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Wim S, vanwege uw beoordeling komen wij graag met u in contact om te praten over uw ervaring en gezamenlijk te kijken naar een oplossing. Wilt u daarom contact opnemen met onze praktijk manager Yamuna Martens via of 0204221912. Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd. Hartelijk dank.

Stephanie van Rappard 21 Mrt 2019 - 14:23

Een stelletje amateurs. Onervaren specialisten die niet met elkaar communiceren.

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A bunch of amateurs. Inexperienced specialists who do not communicate with each other.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste mevrouw Van Rappard, graag komen wij met u in contact om te praten over uw ervaring in onze praktijk, zodat we samen naar een passende oplossing kunnen zoeken en onze zorg kunnen verbeteren. Wilt u daarom contact opnemen met onze Praktijk Manager via 020-4221912 of Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd.

Ivana Ruttenova 14 Mrt 2019 - 16:10

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Michael David Ryan Daniel Paul Johns-Adams 11 Mrt 2019 - 20:10

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Tom Rosen Jacobson 11 Mrt 2019 - 11:28

Arrived late once, the staff was friendly and told me that I could still be helped if I waited a little. The service is good; I would recommend them

Kostiantyn Tsaregradskyi 10 Mrt 2019 - 17:17

Good service, many offices

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Thank you, Konstiantyn

Peter Gerrist 10 Mrt 2019 - 04:22

Word altijd goed behandeld en kan alles vragen bij de tandartsen en mondhygienisten.

(Translated by Google)
Always receive good treatment and can ask anything from the dentists and dental hygienists.

Elisabeth Nobre 09 Mrt 2019 - 17:37

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pernnilleo 09 Mrt 2019 - 07:04

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MIGNON 08 Mrt 2019 - 11:07

Hele fijne praktijk, ziet er mooi uit en de tandartsen geven je een fijn gevoel en zijn erg goed!

(Translated by Google)
Very nice practice, looks nice and the dentists make you feel good and are very good!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dank voor de lieve woorden, Mignon. Fijn om te lezen dat u tevreden bent over onze tandartsen en u met een prettig gevoel de praktijk bezoekt.

Alexandra Smit 08 Mrt 2019 - 04:07

Lassus tandartsen is een toegankelijke en super professionele praktijk. Zij kijken samen naar de beste oplossing voor jouw gebit. Wat een andere tandarts niet wil of kan, is hier mogelijk. Zij luisteren echt naar wat jij wilt. Super handig ook dat je mondhygiëniste, tandarts, implantoloog, paradontoloog in 1 praktijk zitten. Tevens toegankelijk ook voor mensen die de Nederlandse taal niet kundig zijn. Kortom ik ben een super tevreden klant en raad iedereen aan naar Lassus te gaan!

(Translated by Google)
Lassus dentists is an accessible and super professional practice. Together they look for the best solution for your teeth. What another dentist does not want or cannot do, is possible here. They really listen to what you want. It is also super convenient that your dental hygienist, dentist, implantologist and periodontologist are in 1 practice. Also accessible to people who do not speak the Dutch language. In short, I am a very satisfied customer and recommend everyone to go to Lassus!

kirsten bollig 08 Mrt 2019 - 04:04

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marlou spierts 08 Mrt 2019 - 03:36

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Trevor Joseph 08 Mrt 2019 - 03:31

Had root canal work and it went wrong still in lots of pain 2 weeks later and not able to see specialist for over 6 weeks. very disappointed and no idea how much the specialist is going to cost and % chance of saving the tooth :-(

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mr. Joseph, we are very sorry to learn that you are still in pain after your endo start. It is quite normal to have some pain for 1-2 weeks after the treatment, but in case of severe pain or swelling we urge you to contact us directly to set up an emergency appointment via 020 - 422 1912. Our colleagues can also send you the estimate again for the follow up appointment.

Kelsey Vaughan 08 Mrt 2019 - 03:28

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Peter Avamale 08 Mrt 2019 - 03:26

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Walter Bouwman 08 Mrt 2019 - 03:17

I have been here multiple times last year and am very content: professional, well organised, clear in the communications, easily reachable, informal approach, clean. All good. The downside of the success is that agendas are quite full so there might be a waiting time before getting a (follow-up) appointment.

Mirjam van den Broeke 08 Mrt 2019 - 03:16

Supervriendelijk en professioneel team. Fijne ruimte ook.

(Translated by Google)
Super friendly and professional team. Nice space too.

Natalija Kuzović 08 Mrt 2019 - 03:12

Very happy with the treatmant in Lassus practice and the work done. I had appointment with Walter, he is very experienced dentist and pleasant person.

Алена Катушенок 08 Mrt 2019 - 03:10

Reception ladies could be nicer and more accurate with making the appointments.

Marcia Kirkels 08 Mrt 2019 - 03:07

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Alexandre de Carvalho Monteiro 08 Mrt 2019 - 03:06

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Fleurine Brouwer 08 Mrt 2019 - 02:35

Hele fijne praktijk. Het personeel is ontzettend aardig en betrokken. Ik heb altijd het gevoel dat ze de tijd voor je nemen en echt luisteren, terwijl ik nooit lang hoef te wachten in de wachtkamer. Vorig jaar een kroon laten zetten, wat ik vrij spannend vond, maar werd in elke stap van het proces betrokken en mocht zelfs meekijken hoe de kroon gemaakt werd. Ook prettig dat ik maar 1 afspraak nodig had om de kroon te laten zetten. Je kunt ook dubbele afspraken maken bij deze praktijk, zodat je in een keer naar de mondhygienist en tandarts kunt. Kortom, fijnste praktijk van Amsterdam!

(Translated by Google)
Very nice practice. The staff is extremely nice and involved. I always have the feeling that they take the time for you and really listen, while I never have to wait long in the waiting room. Had a crown placed last year, which I found quite exciting, but I was involved in every step of the process and was even allowed to watch how the crown was made. It was also nice that I only needed 1 appointment to have the crown placed. You can also make double appointments at this practice, so that you can visit the dental hygienist and dentist at the same time. In short, the best practice in Amsterdam!

Henrik Wallander 08 Mrt 2019 - 02:11

Professional and thorough, very happy!

Arko Hoondert 08 Mrt 2019 - 02:07

I'm (very) happy with my current dentist at Lassus Tandartsen. She is a true professional, doesn't beat around the bush and is mindful of my insurance status & annual limit.

However, about 1,5 year ago I went in for the hygienist and additionally I got checked by dentist Jacques Schimberg he told me I had a cavity and asked if we could plan an appointment to fill it (insulting the hygienist in the process, because she didn't see the cavity). I said yes, but I had to insist I wanted my personal dentist (he was great, and retired soon after). When I sat down in the chair he my personal dentist said something about a picture being taken which raised my attention because I didn't have that done. I asked for a second opinion by my dentist and we came to the conclusion there was no cavity at all!

I filed a complaint but Mr. Schimberg didn't want to respond and never apologised personally.

Although I'm really happy with my current dentist, the whole situation still raises questions and doesn't feel resolved properly. I feel conned, I'm still waiting for a personal apology and I think he should also apologise to the hygienist on duty that first day.

Eric Trooster 08 Mrt 2019 - 02:00

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Chao 08 Mrt 2019 - 01:40

Almost 6 months so far, great experience.

Emilio Pocorni 08 Mrt 2019 - 01:34

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Gojko Paunovic 08 Mrt 2019 - 01:32

Highly professional in general. But on my last appointment I was scheduled at 11 and doctor started working at 1128 approximately.

Mohamed Amajjout 08 Mrt 2019 - 01:24

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Kelly Gatto 08 Mrt 2019 - 01:18

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Mirella Rottier 08 Mrt 2019 - 01:18

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste mevrouw Rottier, omdat u alleen een beoordeling heeft gegeven, komen wij graag met u in contact om erachter te komen wat er precies is gebeurd. Alleen met uw feedback kunnen wij onze zorg en service verbeteren en u wellicht een gepaste oplossing bieden. Wilt u contact opnemen met onze Praktijk Manager Yamuna Martens via 020-4221912 of Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd.

helen de preijker 08 Mrt 2019 - 01:17

Een hele fijne praktijk stellen plan op en denken mee

(Translated by Google)
A very nice practice, drawing up a plan and thinking along

Charissa van der Vlies 06 Mrt 2019 - 19:09

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Casper van der linden 28 Feb 2019 - 14:53

Sweet people, great advice and good care!

Karin van der Lem 26 Feb 2019 - 22:14

Ik voel me na 30 jaar niet meer dan een nummer als klant

(Translated by Google)
After 30 years I feel like nothing more than a number as a customer

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Geachte mevrouw Van der Lem, dank voor uw review. Het is zeer spijtig te lezen dat u zich na al die jaren niet meer dan een nummer voelt. Dit is absoluut niet onze intentie en wat u van ons mag verwachten. De Praktijk Manager heeft met u afgesproken dat zij vanaf nu uw contactpersoon is bij vragen en wij hopen zo met u de behandelrelatie te verbeteren zodat u zich weer gehoord voelt.

Ildikó Herczeg 21 Feb 2019 - 20:41

I have never seen such an unprofessional dentist and I have never been in such a pain, because of medical misconduct. One of their endodontologist simply did not clean the side of the root canal, only its end, which is very unusual compared to other dentists' practice. Unfortunately, I was so impressed by the luxurious interior of the clinic that I convinced myself that they may use such chemicals making the physical cleaning unnecessary. However this method does not exist yet, therefore half of my face swallowed up and for 2 days I experienced huge pain not letting me sleep and work. When I called their call center, an agent/receptionist offered me an appointment for the next week... Then I just walked into one of their other clinic where a general dentist reopened and cleaned the root canal properly and prescribed antibiotics that allowed me to keep my tooth.

Marie Viron 11 Feb 2019 - 10:38

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Suky Wang 08 Feb 2019 - 13:38

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H. van den Berg 07 Feb 2019 - 14:01

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Alena Trubaeva 06 Feb 2019 - 13:20

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claudia van tongeren 06 Feb 2019 - 12:16

De mondhygieniste Kiyana is heel kundig, zorgvuldig en reuze aardig.

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The dental hygienist Kiyana is very skilled, careful and very kind.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Claudia, dank voor de leuke waardering over uw behandeling bij Kiyana. We zullen deze dan ook met veel plezier met haar delen!

Henny Lowensteyn 05 Feb 2019 - 21:35

Fijn dat ik een ervaring kan schrijven van mijn laatste bezoek in januari voor de jaarlijkse controle.
Ik wil jullie laten weten dat dit laatste bezoek een zeer vervelende ervaring was.
De afgelopen 50 jaar is Lucy Prent naar grote tevredenheid mijn tandarts geweest. Helaas moest zij een paar jaar geleden stoppen.
Sindsdien ben ik bij Lassus Tandartsen. Ik ben zeer tevreden over Nahida de mondhygiëniste. Wat ik minder prettig vind is dat de tandarts steeds wisseld en zeer kort, het lijkt tussen de bedrijven door, even langs komt om te horen wat Nahida heeft gezien en daarna zelf even kijkt. Tot op heden ging dat steeds goed maar het voelt toch anders dan uitgebreide aandacht.
Afgelopen januari kwam meneer Sjaak de kamer binnen, begroette mij, hoorde van Nahida wat zij had gezien n.l. Dat er 2 grote pockets zijn die onder verdoving schoongemaakt moeten worden. Vervelend maar dat moet.
Meneer Sjaak liet mij weten, na kort in mijn mond te hebben gekeken, dat mijn gebit zwak was, dat er barstjes in zaten en dat ik als er iets afbrak geen kroon of brug kon hebben. Dit alles zei hij snel en onaardig, alsof het mijn eigen schuld was. Ik was met stomheid geslagen en hoewel ik anders adrem ben, zat ik met een mond ( gelukkig nog wel) vol tanden. En weg was hij.....

Ik heb mijn gebit altijd heel goed verzorgt en op tijd de controles gedaan. Het is waar dat ik geen gebit heb van een dertiger, ik ben 70 en vlak na de oorlog was de tandverzorging niet wat het nu is.
Lucy Prent heeft altijd mijn gebit met vakkundigheid en optimisme behandeld. Als er iets afbrak dan repareerde zij het. Ik mis haar om haar vriendelijke benadering. Ik weet nog niet hoe het verder gaat.

(Translated by Google)
I'm glad I can write an experience from my last visit in January for the annual check-up.
I want to let you know that this last visit was a very unpleasant experience.
Lucy Prent has been my dentist for the past 50 years with great satisfaction. Unfortunately she had to stop a few years ago.
I have been with Lassus Dentists ever since. I am very satisfied with Nahida the dental hygienist. What I don't like is that the dentist keeps changing and very briefly, it seems between the companies, comes by to hear what Nahida has seen and then takes a look herself. So far it has gone well, but it still feels different from extensive attention.
Last January, Mr. Sjaak entered the room, greeted me, and heard from Nahida what she had seen. That there are 2 large pockets that need to be cleaned under anesthesia. Annoying, but it has to be done.
Mr. Sjaak informed me, after briefly looking in my mouth, that my teeth were weak, that there were cracks in them and that if something broke off I could not have a crown or bridge. He said all this quickly and unkindly, as if it were my own fault. I was dumbfounded and even though I'm normally breathless, I was (fortunately) speechless. And he was gone...

I have always taken very good care of my teeth and had my checkups on time. It is true that I do not have the teeth of a thirties, I am 70 and just after the war dental care was not what it is today.
Lucy Prent has always treated my teeth with skill and optimism. If something broke off, she fixed it. I miss her for her friendly approach. I don't know yet what will happen next.

D. Koekkoek 05 Feb 2019 - 15:23

UItstekende praktijk. Schoon, prima service zeer bekwame tandarts(-en).

(Translated by Google)
Excellent practice. Clean, excellent service, very skilled dentist(s).

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Bedankt voor de goede beoordeling! Fijn om te lezen dat u tevreden bent.

Ivana Setiawan 05 Feb 2019 - 14:21

I really like the one located at the Keizersgracht 132!

Lieve de Coninck 05 Feb 2019 - 13:19

Sinds ik bij Lassus Tandartsen door Marija (tandarts) en Sanam (mondhygieniste) wordt behandeld, heb ik bijna (bijna) zin om naar de tandarts te gaan. Hun manier van omgaan met cliënten is hartelijk, vriendelijk en vertrouwenwekkend. Zij leggen helder uit wat zij zien, en behandelingen worden in goed overleg gepland. Ik weet altijd waar ik aan toe ben, en ga steeds weg met het gevoel goed geholpen te zijn geweest. De receptionisten bij Lassus zijn trouwens ook erg bekwaam.

(Translated by Google)
Since I was treated by Marija (dentist) and Sanam (dental hygienist) at Lassus Tandartsen, I almost (almost) feel like going to the dentist. Their way of dealing with clients is cordial, friendly and trust-inspiring. They explain clearly what they see, and treatments are planned in close consultation. I always know where I stand and I always leave with the feeling that I have received good help. The receptionists at Lassus are also very skilled.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Lieve, hartelijk dank voor het schrijven van deze leuke waardering! We zullen de complimenten delen met Marija en Sanam. Fijn om te lezen dat ze u goed informeren en u met een goed gevoel de praktijk uit gaat.

Jikke Wechgelaer 05 Feb 2019 - 13:09

Fijne, professionele tandarts. Persoonlijke aandacht, je komt altijd bij dezelfde tandarts, altijd goeie service, het is er schoon en licht, ben zeer tevreden. Voel me altijd welkom!

(Translated by Google)
Nice, professional dentist. Personal attention, you always visit the same dentist, always good service, it is clean and light, I am very satisfied. Always feel welcome!

Milan van Aagten 05 Feb 2019 - 12:40

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Peter Rosendaal 05 Feb 2019 - 12:19

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Sonia Ramotowska 05 Feb 2019 - 11:46

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Paulien van de Loo 05 Feb 2019 - 11:02

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Roderick Akkerman 05 Feb 2019 - 10:30

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Lisette Vlassak 05 Feb 2019 - 10:14

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Peter Bakker 05 Feb 2019 - 09:53

Deze mensen nemen de tijd, stellen gerust en gaan een stapje verder dan de doorsnee tandarts.

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These people take their time, reassure and go a step further than the average dentist.

Sidhant Godiwala 05 Feb 2019 - 08:34

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Martin Angell 05 Feb 2019 - 06:30

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Gabrielle Ross 04 Feb 2019 - 23:41

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Bob van Zonneveld 04 Feb 2019 - 23:00

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Frederik van Beukering 04 Feb 2019 - 22:09

Super intake, veel aandacht voor je klachten en staat van het gebit. Straalt veel professionaliteit uit.

(Translated by Google)
Super intake, a lot of attention to your complaints and the condition of your teeth. Exudes a lot of professionalism.

Lilian sumter 04 Feb 2019 - 22:07

Onnodig behandeld aan kies waardoor ik 2 keer een behoorlijk smak geld moest betalen aan de Keizersgracht.. Op dePlantage middenweglaan heeft dr. Niels goed werkt verricht, dank

(Translated by Google)
Unnecessarily treated my tooth, so I had to pay a lot of money twice at the Keizersgracht. Dr. Niels did a good job on the Plantage Middenweglaan, thanks
before that!

Pedro Luchini 04 Feb 2019 - 21:14

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Nina Pavlovska 04 Feb 2019 - 19:39

The dentists are qualified, it’s just that every time I had to wait quite a while to get my turn in spite of having an appointment.

erika zilkova 04 Feb 2019 - 19:16

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Martha Wezelman 04 Feb 2019 - 19:15

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Billy Joe van Kleef 04 Feb 2019 - 19:03

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Csaba Vajgel 04 Feb 2019 - 19:01

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Stefano Baccianella 04 Feb 2019 - 18:39

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Elise Hoevenaars 04 Feb 2019 - 18:34

Only had good experiences at this dentist. They are good at what they do and very pleasant.

Teresa Martins 04 Feb 2019 - 18:31

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Truus Barens 04 Feb 2019 - 17:16

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Amber Vreeken 04 Feb 2019 - 17:13

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Catharina Buffinga 04 Feb 2019 - 16:47

Bij Lassus tandartsen werkt een heel team specialisten samen voor een perfect resultaat.

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At Lassus dentists, an entire team of specialists works together for a perfect result.

Rachel Zondervan 04 Feb 2019 - 16:31

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Marinka Schippers 04 Feb 2019 - 16:31

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Pavlo Kyryliuk 04 Feb 2019 - 16:00

Usually good service. However, sometimes they may charge you for the service they did not provide, and then simply ignore complains

Artem Nikolenko 04 Feb 2019 - 15:57

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Frederika Roos 04 Feb 2019 - 15:53

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Elvin Kingma 04 Feb 2019 - 15:47

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Tatiana Vardanega 04 Feb 2019 - 15:38

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Sarah-Lee Renout 04 Feb 2019 - 15:37

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Justas Sim 04 Feb 2019 - 15:30

All specialist are wonderfull. Highest quality and level of service. Recommend it to everyone.

Sara Vella Bonnici 04 Feb 2019 - 15:28

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Sheranie Jagdew 12 Dec 2018 - 15:15

Zeer slechte klachtenafhandeling. Mijn klacht loopt al een half jaar, erg vermoeiend om elke week zelf er achteraan te moeten bellen, omdat er wordt beloofd dat ze het zullen oplossen, wat tot op heden niet is gebeurd.

(Translated by Google)
Very poor complaint handling. My complaint has been going on for six months, very tiring to have to call every week to find out, because they are promised that they will solve it, which has not happened yet.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Sheranie J, onze excuses voor de lange vertraging omtrent de afwikkeling van uw klacht. Dit is zeker niet wat u van ons mag verwachten. Kunt u uw klacht doorsturen naar mij via, dan kan ik intern nagaan waar het misgaat en u zo snel mogelijk de juiste terugkoppeling geven. Alvast vriendelijk dank.

Dennis Gu 24 Okt 2018 - 19:58

The service at this Dentist is great, they make you feel at ease also when you are kind of afraid to go to the Dentist. Very fancy location and convenient to get to. Thank you again to Negisti and Arezo you were great! Keep it up the great work :)

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Hi Dennis, thank you for the kind words. Happy to hear that you enjoyed your experience at our clinic and especially with Negisti and Arezo. We will share your review with them and hope to keep welcoming you at our clinic.

Anna van Wassenaer 15 Okt 2018 - 17:47

I ordered Invisalign braces with Lassus tandartsen and waited 2 months to get it placed. When I came to the practice, there were no braces. Also the dental technician was not at the practice. They told me it would take another month. I called to understand what had gone wrong, I was put through to a call center. In the meantime I have already paid for all the pre-work. A customer manager wrote me an email to say she hopes that we would find a solution. When I tried to call her back she was not available. VERY bad experience!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mrs. van Wassenaer, we regret that your Invisalign braces were not available during your appointment, this is not what you should've experienced at all. These kind of braces are ordered in the US and it always takes 6-8 weeks to receive your braces. This is standard procedure. Our treatment coordinator sent you an email to find a suitable time together for a call, but was unfortunately unavailable at the time you responded. She will definitely get in touch with you later today to discuss your experience and find a solution together.

Frida Finelli 26 Sep 2018 - 18:46

I discovered this dentist online and I must say my experience was great. The prices are reasonable considering the location, the lovely design and the general structor, the cleanness and more than all the quality of the service. The staff is prepared, they advice and explain you about everything and they take care of you. I really recommend it!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Frida, thank you for taking the time to write this wonderful review and your recommendation. We look forward to keep welcoming you at our clinic.

Ricardo Souza 26 Sep 2018 - 10:03

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dank, Ricardo

Sinem Tuncer 20 Sep 2018 - 11:44

I've highlighted my pain for over a year, after my wisdom tooth was removed, and Lassus informed me that there is nothing and I should use Sensodyne. My new dentist explained me today that the tooth next to my wisdom tooth was almost dying, because of a firm removal of my old wisdom teeth.

David Slonimski 19 Sep 2018 - 14:50

Ik wilde inschrijven bij lassus op de plantage te Amsterdam en ben geweigerd wegens een "voorval" van enkele jaren geleden met een medewerker. Mijn vraag om inzage hiervan is gewoon negeerd.

(Translated by Google)
I wanted to register with Lassus on the plantation in Amsterdam and was refused due to an "incident" a few years ago with an employee. My request for access to this was simply ignored.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste David S, uw klacht is intern besproken en u heeft inmiddels de juiste terugkoppeling ontvangen.

Jing Shen 10 Sep 2018 - 10:53

Perfect location in the city center which is also close to my previous company. Employees there are all kind, patient and professional. I've already had 3 treatments and all of them gave me great experience. They made me not scared of dentists so much any more.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Ms Shen, thank you for the wonderful review. It is a pleasure to read that you are less scared of going to the dentists because of our employees. We hope that you will eventually visit the dentist with no fear at all:-)

Joana Chen Pung 05 Sep 2018 - 13:48

I read great reviews online about your clinic, for that reason I made an appointment to which I had to wait almost 2 months. The day before the appointment I got a call being informed that it was canceled and that I would have to wait at least 6 weeks, to have someone calling me to reschedule the appointment and that could take other 2 months. No further explanations were given besides apologies. I don't want apologies, I wanted someone fixing a mistake that was not mine. Terrible experience.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Ms. Pung, we regret to learn that you are not happy with the service we provided you. Unfortunately we had to cancel the appointment with the specialist due to personal matters. We understand that you are not looking for an apology, but this is unfortunately out of our hands. Please also note that we did not made that mistake that you want to have fixed as well. Our treatment coordinator Carmen Guda will get in touch with you to discuss your experience at our clinic.

Dakota Hunter 14 Aug 2018 - 22:04

Amazing service and very friendly. Cleaning was easy and the people were really nice.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Dakota, thank you for writing this review. We're happy to read that you had a pleasant experience at our clinic.

Tonia Diakaki 31 Jul 2018 - 10:58

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Thank you, Tonia!

Denise Denning 14 Jun 2018 - 11:16

Amazing place! I got a crown on a very damaged front tooth which plagued me for years, and my dentist Pauline Remmert explained everything and kept me relaxed through the whole process and I am delighted with the result. 5 stars

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Denise, thank you for the wonderful review. We are happy to read that you love our clinic and you are delighted with the end result of your treatment!

Sophie Dalglish 30 Mei 2018 - 21:56

Great staff, prompt service, lovely environment with a very open feel. Approachable and knowledgable staff.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Sophie, thank you for the kind review. Happy to read that you love our clinic!

Alyssa Geenen 29 Mei 2018 - 15:11

Lassus Tandartsen is the best place to go for dentistry in Amsterdam. I recently had to have my front tooth replaced and Jacques made me feel calm, comfortable and made me laugh :) he was such a pleasure to be around. Tim designed my new tooth to perfection, he really is an artist. I cannot recommend Lassus Tandartsen enough! Thank you for my new beautiful smile!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Ms. Wagner, it was a true pleasure reading your review. Thank you for taking the time to write this. We are happy to read that your treatment from Jacques & Tim went very well and that you enjoy your new beautiful smile!

Michelangelo S 05 Mei 2018 - 09:58

Modern dentist facilities and very friendly staff!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Leo, thank you for the kind review. This is very much appreciated by us.

Monica Chirvase 03 Mei 2018 - 15:06

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Monica, thank you for writing this honest review. We regret that you came all the way from The Hague to find out the bridge wasn't ready. Unfortunately we found this out too late, which is something that should not have happened. We cannot give back your lost time, but my colleagues are already in touch with you for a solution and reimbursement of your trainticket. With kind regards, Laura - Lassus Tandartsen

Gabriel Agu 28 Apr 2018 - 18:03

Good dentists, nice staff, all in all recommended.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Thank you for the kind recommendation, Gabi. This is very much appreciated by us!

Myrthe Verstegen 25 Apr 2018 - 16:22

Heel goed geholpen door tandarts Jordie. Zeer tevreden met mijn composiet facings. Jordie is vriendelijk en geeft heldere uitleg. Doet alles in overleg. Enige puntje is dat de prijs van de facings op de website (100-150) een beetje voor verwarring zorgde is omdat er nog wat extra kosten bij komen. (=inmiddels opgehelderd)

Update: ik werd heel netjes nagebeld om te vragen naar de verwarring die ik had over de kosten. De kosten van een facing liggen weldegelijk onder de 150 per tand, maar wanneer er bijvoorbeeld een hoektand wordt verlengd kan het zijn dat hier extra kosten voor worden berekend omdat er dan niet alleen een laagje over de voorkant nodig is, maar ook over de achterkant. Verder komt er ongeveer 65 voor een consult bij (kan hoger uitvallen als er meer info nodig is, bijvoorbeeld over bleken). Maar ik ben zo blij met mijn tanden dat deze het bedrag meer dan waard zijn!

(Translated by Google)
Dentist Jordie helped very well. Very satisfied with my composite veneers. Jordie is friendly and gives clear explanations. Does everything in consultation. The only point is that the price of the veneers on the website (100-150) caused a bit of confusion because there are some additional costs. (=now clarified)

Update: I was called very politely to ask about the confusion I had about the costs. The costs of a veneer are certainly less than €150 per tooth, but if, for example, a canine tooth is lengthened, additional costs may be charged because a layer is not only needed over the front, but also over the back. Furthermore, there is an additional charge of approximately 65 for a consultation (this may be higher if more information is required, for example about whitening). But I am so happy with my teeth that they are more than worth the money!

sebastiaan gottlieb 16 Apr 2018 - 17:58

Lassus dentists are the best in Amsterdam. It is a collective of a number of dentists with different specializations. So you can go for everything. In addition, they have the latest equipment and are located in a beautiful building on the Keizersgracht

Daniel Chalabi 30 Mrt 2018 - 12:49

Incredibly unprofessional!
My permanent retainers have come off 3 times in less than 6 month after having my braces taken off.
The night retainers they gave me also broke.
My overall feeling is that they don’t take their job very seriously.
Then I get a girl on the phone saying “I understand your frustration, the retainers are within the guarantee so don’t worry”
Well, she forgets the fact that I had to wear those braces for two years and aside from all the money I paid is also the pain, the actual physical pain and discomfort you go trough! I’m getting a gap between my teeth as they can and likely will move if you don’t use retainers.

Is it really that hard to actually do a good job and show some care for your clients?!

I would definitely not recommend this clinic.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mr. Chalabi, we understand your frustration. Therefore we are already in contact with you to come up with a proper solution regarding the retainers and the inconveniences. With kind regards, team Lassus Tandartsen

Consuelo Ramirez 29 Mrt 2018 - 15:18

This is a GREAT dentistry service in Amsterdam, ALL the staff are super nice and very gentle people all there to make sure to give the best care possible!! THANKS Lassus Tandartsen!!!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Consuelo, thank you for this wonderful recommendation! This is very much appreciated by us.

Е M 15 Mrt 2018 - 09:51

I came to the Lassuss clinic with challenging teeth one year ago. And I felt that care was not just professional, but that they really provided help.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Elena, thank you for the wonderful review. We are glad to hear that you are happy with our service and hope you will enjoy your new teeth. With kind regards, team Lassus Tandartsen

Mohsin Siddiqui 06 Mrt 2018 - 22:03

I've not had great experiences with Dutch healthcare, but these people are the exception to the rule. I had a botched root canal from my previous dentists almost a year ago; when it flared up, they tried to sort it out on a Sunday morning. When Monday rolled around and I was still in pain, they took one look at me as a walk-in, no appointment, and not only anesthetised the area instantly, they also got me a same-day appointment for re-treatment at their office in Lassusstraat. The procedure ran smoothly and was as painless as I could expect. Super happy with them and recommend them highly.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Thank you so much Mohsin for the wonderful review and recommendations! We are happy to learn that you enjoyed your experience at our clinic.

Marijke Kooistra 24 Jan 2018 - 12:10

Ik ben erg blij met Jacques Schimberg en Nahida Nabi bij Lassus Tandartsen. Ik ben gestart met een behoorlijke angst voor de tandarts. Inmiddels heb ik 2 implantaten die perfect zitten en is mijn angst vrijwel verdwenen. Jacques Schimberg verstaat zijn vak heel goed, dit geeft vertrouwen. Zo ook Nahida Nabi: zij doet de behandeling ook helemaal goed en met zorg. Daarbij zijn beiden altijd bijzonder vriendelijk en hartelijk in het contact. De goede ontvangst begint al bij de receptie van Lassus Tandartsen. Nog even en ik ga met plezier.

(Translated by Google)
I am very happy with Jacques Schimberg and Nahida Nabi at Lassus Tandartsen. I started with quite a fear of the dentist. I now have 2 implants that fit perfectly and my fear has almost disappeared. Jacques Schimberg knows his profession very well, which gives confidence. This also applies to Nahida Nabi: she also does the treatment completely well and with care. Both are always very friendly and cordial in their contact. The good reception starts at the reception of Lassus Tandartsen. Just a little while and I'll be happy to go.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste mevrouw Kooistra, wat fijn om te lezen dat u zo tevreden bent over onze praktijk en in het bijzonder Jacques en Nahida. Bedankt voor deze mooie waardering! We hopen dat u binnenkort écht met plezier naar de tandarts gaat:-)

Eli Khlief 29 Dec 2017 - 22:33

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Thank you, Eli!

Nicole de Jong 29 Dec 2017 - 11:09

Vakwerk, geen pijn, goed advies! Zeer tevreden.

(Translated by Google)
Craftsmanship, no pain, good advice! Very satisfied.

Brandon 25 Dec 2017 - 19:33

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Hartelijk dank, Brandon!

Becca Hopkins 18 Dec 2017 - 17:30

Very pleasant practice with thorough and friendly professionals. Perfect choice for expats as everyone speaks a high level of English. I was very impressed with how thorough my introductory appointment was; my new dentist took the time to show all the images to me, explaining what she was looking for, and discussing preventative measures as well as treatment plans. Ideal.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Ms. Hopkins, thank you for the kind recommendation taking the time to write this wonderful review about our clinic. This is very much appreciated by us. We look forward to keep welcoming you at our clinic. With kind regards, team Lassus Tandartsen

Gokce Mutlu 12 Dec 2017 - 16:24

Initial review in December 2016:
(1 star) Coming all the way and they cancelled when I was already at the location! With an unprofessional behavior. They must think that we don't have all the time to waste!

Update on 12.12.2017:
(4 star) They apologised and offered me a free cleaning. Most importantly in the later appointments all the things went as expected. Accepting that sometimes things may go wrong and considering that it hasn't repeated in the last year, I'm updating the rating to 4 stars because overall I'm happy with the practise.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mrs. Mutlu, thank you for writing this honest review about your visit to our practice last evening. We regret that your appointment was cancelled while you where at our practice. My colleague is already in contact with you to offer our sincere apologies and to discuss a solution for the inconvenience this has cost you. With kind regards, team Lassus Tandartsen

Zoé Christoff 08 Dec 2017 - 10:14

The dentist and the hygienist were perfect! However, everything else was badly organized. They failed to send me a bill, despite my announcement to them of a change of address. I even contacted them to ask for my bill that I seemed not to have received and they just did not care to check for me. Even though I had all my mail redirected to my new address via Postnl, I received no bill, no reminder, no answer to my request, and received months later directly an email from the Incasso service to pay within 3 days with serious extra costs.... absurd, unfair, and unprofessional. When I contacted them again to explain that I had tried to prevent exactly this from happening, they did not care. As if they were not responsible for their own mistakes. Last but not least, they call themselves an "expats dentist" but they apparently cannot contact people abroad or give any information via email... it doesn't make sense.

UPDATE TO THIS REVIEW: Right after I posted this review, I was contacted by their team and they found a way to solve this problem (and spare me the additional costs). They were, then, quick, efficient, responsive, and professional. They also apologized for what happened, which of course makes it already better. I have therefore updated my evaluation from one star to three star. I can imagine/hope that my story has changed how they will deal with patients moving abroad or asking for their bill in the future :) . A very good reaction to an originally very negative review!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Ms. Christoff, thank you for writing this honest review. We are pleased to read that your appointment with your dentist and the hygienist were perfect. However, we do regret that there has been a misunderstanding in regards to your bills and new address. This is not what you should expect from us and we would like to learn from this unfortunate mistake. We will send you a private message in order to discuss this further and come up with a solution. With kind regards, team Lassus Tandartsen.

Aurélien P 06 Dec 2017 - 17:33

A very nice office with professional dentists. The team really took time to check everything up before explaining in details what would be the next steps - with of course all the freedom to talk about my own expectations. Really recommended.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mr. Pons, thank you for taking the time to write this review. We are happy to learn that the whole team took the time to discuss and evaluate the treatment plan with your wishes in mind. We look forward to keep welcoming you at our clinic.

Eduardo Freitas 27 Nov 2017 - 13:24

Really nice place with top installations and great professionals! Highly recommended

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mr. Freitas, thank you for your kind recommendation. It's really appreciated by us and we look forward to welcome you again at our clinic.

Marco Cornelissen 23 Nov 2017 - 20:18

Ik maak niet vaak een review, maar vond dat het na mijn vorige tandarts ervaringen toch wel de moeite waard is mijn complimenten op papier te zetten. Goede, vriendelijke ontvangst en veel mogelijkheden om je afspraak op het minst storende moment te plannen. Met enige gene mijn beperkte kauwmogelijkheden besproken. Na mijn 1e gesprek een grondige analyse van mijn gebit, blijkt dat er toch nog mogelijkheden zijn mijn vervallen gebit in stappen weer normaal te kunnen gebruiken.
Nu, volop in behandeling bij Stijn en zeer tevreden hoe kundig en ontspannen er gewerkt wordt. Mijn vorige tandarts en minder prettige ervaringen ben ik niet vergeten, maar ik weet nu ook hoe er op een andere en humanere manier met het gebit omgegaan kan worden.

(Translated by Google)
I don't often write reviews, but after my previous dental experiences I thought it was worth putting my compliments on paper. Good, friendly welcome and many options to plan your appointment at the least disruptive time. Discussed my limited chewing options with some other person. After my first consultation and a thorough analysis of my teeth, it turns out that there are still possibilities to gradually use my decayed teeth normally again.
Now, in full treatment with Stijn and very satisfied with how skillfully and relaxed the work is. I have not forgotten my previous dentist and less pleasant experiences, but I now also know how to treat teeth in a different and more humane way.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste heer Cornelissen, hartelijk dank voor de mooie waardering en dat u de tijd heeft genomen dit te schrijven. Dit wordt door ons enorm gewaardeerd. Fijn om te lezen dat u weer vertrouwen heeft in de tandarts en u tevreden bent over de behandelingen bij Stijn.

Chad Davis 03 Nov 2017 - 08:16

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Boudewijn Pleines 27 Okt 2017 - 08:53

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste heer Pleines, hartelijk dank voor de mooie 5 sterren beoordeling!

Fam Van den Houte 20 Okt 2017 - 09:37

Modern, friendly and professional. Also, great with children. I am a happy client.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear fam. Van den Houte, thank you for the wonderful review. We look forward to welcome you back soon.

Frank Milley 14 Aug 2017 - 15:23

Friendly and very professional dental treatment in Amsterdam. Highly recommended.

Tobias Lundgren 01 Aug 2017 - 08:55

Very knowledgeable and friendly dental practice. A lot of specialist skills such as implants etc. Highly recommended.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Tobias, thank you for writing this wonderful review about our practice and the skills of our team. We look forward to welcome you back soon. With kind regards, team Lassus Tandartsen

Robin Nibor 21 Jul 2017 - 18:35

Stijn is my dentist since 2014. Lovely staff in the whole practice, and it looks like a hotel. Pueyos made a retainer and it looks really cool. If you're looking for a high-end dental practice, this is the place to be.

Joyce Hemmer 14 Jul 2017 - 15:35

Mijn eerst kennismaking met de tandartsenpraktijk was prima. Prettige wachtruimte, vriendelijke en attente receptionisten. Mijn nieuwe tandarts was mij aanbevolen en komt heel kundig en professioneel over. Een hartelijke en zorgvuldige tandarts bovendien én assistente.

(Translated by Google)
My first introduction to the dental practice was fine. Pleasant waiting area, friendly and attentive receptionists. My new dentist was recommended to me and seems very knowledgeable and professional. Moreover, a cordial and careful dentist and assistant.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Joyce, hartelijk dank voor deze mooie waardering. We vinden het fijn om te lezen dat u een goede kennismaking heeft gehad en zien er naar uit u te mogen blijven verwelkomen in onze praktijk. Met vriendelijke groet, team Lassus Tandartsen

Vanessa van der Velden 08 Jul 2017 - 20:37

Heel commercieel. Ik kreeg allemaal ongevraagde adviezen die nergens op sloegen. De behandeling bij de mondhygieniste was zo pijnlijk en vervelend dat ik halverwegen heb gevraagd of ze ajb kon stoppen; ben toen naar huis gegaan. Geen aanrader!

(Translated by Google)
Very commercial. I received all kinds of unsolicited advice that made no sense. The treatment with the dental hygienist was so painful and annoying that halfway through I asked her if she could please stop; then I went home. Not recommended!

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste mevrouw Van der Velden,

Hartelijk dank voor het schrijven van uw review. Het spijt ons te lezen dat in het bijzonder de behandeling bij de mondhygieniste voor u onprettig was en wij niet aan uw verwachtingen hebben voldaan. Graag kom ik met u in contact om te praten over uw ervaringen in onze praktijk, om zo onze zorg en service te kunnen optimaliseren. Wilt u hiervoor contact met mij opnemen via of 020-4713137? Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd. Met vriendelijke groet, Laura - Lassus Tandartsen.

Werner Huijboom 07 Jun 2017 - 22:04

This is what a dentist should be like. State of the art technology and amazing service. Love their approach to health care in 2017

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Werner, thank you so much for this wonderful review and the feedback on our approach to health care and service. Hope to see you again soon. With kind regards, team Lassus Tandartsen

Michael Huijskens 04 Jun 2017 - 20:01

De behandelingen bij Lassus Tandartsen zijn van hoge kwaliteit.
Daarnaast is het ook prettig dat je naar meerdere locaties kan gaan en ook daar goed geholpen kan worden en al de praktijken zijn heel het jaar open zelfs op zon- en feestdagen!

(Translated by Google)
The treatments at Lassus Dentists are of high quality.
In addition, it is also nice that you can go to multiple locations and receive good help there and all the practices are open all year round, even on Sundays and public holidays!

R.T. Langeweg 04 Jun 2017 - 18:15

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Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Thank you, Tim!

Ninja van Dijk 04 Jun 2017 - 14:00

Dit is de fijnste plek in Amsterdam om naar de tandarts te gaan! Ik kreeg zelfs whatsapp contact voor eventuele vragen. Voelt persoonlijk en vertrouwd!

(Translated by Google)
This is the nicest place in Amsterdam to go to the dentist! I even received whatsapp contact for any questions. Feels personal and familiar!

Walter Miranda Junior 03 Jun 2017 - 13:42

Very nice place, high end in technology, with a helpful people!
and opens 365 days a year/ crazy
Thanks for your help!

Mary Moulder 23 Mei 2017 - 16:51

The entire experience was quick, friendly, and efficient. Very nice staff/doctors with a beautiful lobby and nice patient rooms. Was very impressed and would definitely recommend to others.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mary, thank you for the wonderful review about your experience at our practice! Looking forward to welcome you back soon. With kind regards, team Lassus Tandartsen

Carl Matsson 04 Mei 2017 - 10:50

Excellent service in a modern, sizeable and well kept clinic. Absolutely recommended.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Dear Mr. Matsson, thank you for taking the time for writing this wonderful review. We are very happy to read that you enjoy our services and that you recommend our clinic. With kind regards, team Lassus Tandartsen

Bradley Miles 21 Mrt 2017 - 13:33

Ik kom hier graag voor mijn 3 maandelijkse mondhygiëne reiniging - de Tandartsen zijn zeer vriendelijk en vakbekwaam.

Lassus Tandartsen - Een Beautycentre voor de perfect smile! :)

(Translated by Google)
I like to come here for my 3 monthly dental hygiene cleaning - the dentists are very friendly and skilled.

Lassus Dentists - A Beauty Center for the perfect smile! :)

Robyn-Amy Kleingeld 21 Mrt 2017 - 13:08

Super fijne kliniek! Personeel is zeer vriendelijk, stellen je goed gerust, hebben geduld en maken het tot een fijne ervaring! Echt een aanrader

(Translated by Google)
Very nice clinic! The staff is very friendly, reassures you, is patient and makes it a pleasant experience! Highly recommended

Wilma 19 Mrt 2017 - 09:24

Een heel grote tandartsenpraktijk. Dat kan zijn voordelen hebben: snel terecht kunnen bij noodsituaties - en dat is perfect, maar het vereist ook heel wat van de coördinatie. Dat gaat nogal eens fout. Het maakt erg uit wie je treft als behandelaar. Ik heb goede en vaker zeer slechte ervaringen. Ik ben vertrokken.

(Translated by Google)
A very large dental practice. That can have its advantages: being able to respond quickly to emergencies - and that's perfect, but it also requires a lot of coordination. That often goes wrong. It matters a lot who you meet as a practitioner. I have had good and often very bad experiences. I left.

Reactie van/namens: Lassus Tandartsen Keizersgracht

Beste Wilma,

Hartelijk dank voor het schrijven van uw review. Het spijt ons te lezen dat wij niet altijd aan uw verwachtingen hebben voldaan. Graag kom ik met u in contact om te praten over uw goede en minder goede ervaringen in onze praktijk, om zo onze zorg en service te kunnen optimaliseren. Wilt u hiervoor contact met mij opnemen via of 020-4713137? Dit wordt door ons zeer gewaardeerd. Met vriendelijke groet, Laura - Lassus Tandartsen.

Олег Кострубин 07 Mrt 2017 - 13:05

Хороший сервис

Kamil Baldyga 10 Okt 2016 - 12:22

Deze Google-recensie is zonder tekst

Lucas Silenski-Cahill 27 Sep 2016 - 14:53

Deze Google-recensie is zonder tekst

Dimitrij Itten 14 Jul 2016 - 17:43

Had my worst dentist experience there ever. Very unprofessional and my tooth still hurts.

Varvara S 09 Jul 2016 - 09:19

Deze Google-recensie is zonder tekst

Jacqueline Oude Grotebevelsborg 01 Jul 2016 - 15:52

Een praktijk met samenwerking tussen verschillende disciplines en die het behandelaanbod blijft vernieuwen: tandartsen en ' aanverwanten' met hart voor hun vak.
Ik heb prachtige Skins aangemeten gekregen: een pittig traject maar met een super resultaat. Goede voorlichting, duidelijke afspraken, veel geduld en zorg: mijn tandarts Thomas Rietrae is een kanjer!

(Translated by Google)
A practice with collaboration between different disciplines and that continues to innovate the treatment offering: dentists and 'related relatives' with a passion for their profession.
I was fitted with beautiful Skins: a tough process but with a great result. Good information, clear agreements, lots of patience and care: my dentist Thomas Rietrae is a great!

Charlotte Loeffen 03 Jan 2016 - 21:00

Deze Google-recensie is zonder tekst

J. Hehanussa 31 Jul 2015 - 10:45

Goede en mooie tandartspraktijk met fijne openingstijden. De tandarts heeft mijn voortanden mooi hersteld! Tijdens de behandeling ben ik goed geïnformeerd en professioneel behandeld!

(Translated by Google)
Good and beautiful dental practice with nice opening hours. The dentist restored my front teeth beautifully! During the treatment I was well informed and treated professionally!

B Jonker 24 Mrt 2015 - 07:32

Vooral voor mensen die angstig zijn is dit een perfecte tandartspraktijk! Door de rust die je ervaart als je binnenkomt en de tijd die de tandarts voor je neemt is de behandeling erg prettig. Alles wordt goed uitgelegd en met je besproken. Bij Lassus Tandartsen voel ik mij echt op mijn gemak.

(Translated by Google)
This is a perfect dental practice, especially for people who are anxious! The tranquility you experience when you enter and the time the dentist takes for you makes the treatment very pleasant. Everything is well explained and discussed with you. I really feel at ease at Lassus Dentists.

Jacques de bruin 16 Mrt 2015 - 22:13

Echt een geweldige praktijk met tandartsen die de tijd nemen. Iedereen is ontzettend aardig en je hoeft niet eindeloos in de wachtkamer te wachten. Als je binnenkomt weten ze precies wat er de laatste keer is gedaan en kennen ze je dossier. Er wordt professioneel en rustig gewerkt waardoor je echt op je gemak wordt gesteld. In de praktijk zijn alle specialisaties aanwezig. Hele ruime openingstijden en goede bereikbaarheid. Heb enkel hele goede ervaringen hier gehad!

(Translated by Google)
A really great practice with dentists who take their time. Everyone is very nice and you don't have to wait endlessly in the waiting room. When you come in, they know exactly what was done last time and they know your file. The work is done professionally and quietly, which really puts you at ease. In practice, all specializations are available. Very long opening hours and good accessibility. I have only had very good experiences here!

Maaike Dorsteen 15 Jun 2014 - 20:34

Ik ben nooit bang geweest voor de tandarts, maar boren is niet mijn favoriete bezigheid. Bij Lassus voelde ik dus het prikje van de verdoving niet eens. Uniek. En mijn complimenten voor Philip Rietrae, hij luistert naar je en helpt je vol enthousiasme. Ik ben fan!

(Translated by Google)
I have never been afraid of the dentist, but drilling is not my favorite activity. So with Lassus I didn't even feel the sting of the anesthesia. Unique. And my compliments to Philip Rietrae, he listens to you and helps you with enthusiasm. I am a fan!

Lee Russell 14 Mei 2014 - 17:52

Greedy bunch - spent 1000 euro at the practice, and they insisted on charging me 40 euro for an overdue invoice of 8 euro.

Lots of love,

The Avenger

Rob Simmons 29 Okt 2012 - 10:36

I am officially a Dentophobic so any visit to a Dentist is something I have avoided like the plague.
After encouragement from my Wife, I finally went to see Thomas Rietrae and his colleagues at Lassus Tandarts, and they have quite literally changed my life as well as my smile.
The practice has all the latest equipment, but it's the patient approach that makes this place work so well. They were very sensitive to my fear and apprehension, explained any work required and the likely costs as well as timescales to allow me to plan the work around my finances.
When it came to the hardest part for me, actually sitting in the chair they took their time to ensure I was comfortable, and even during root canal work they ensured I felt no discomfort.
Each dentist was briefed on my condition, each has a specialty, all were excellent in their work.
The opening times fit really well around a self employed, highly mobile lifestyle.
I really can't recommend this place highly enough...