Dental Clinics Diemen

Willem Dudokhof 1, 1112ZA Diemen
Neemt patiënten aan
Spoed 24/7 365
8:00 - 17:00 -
8:00 - 20:30 -
8:00 - 16:45 -
8:00 - 16:45 -
8:00 - 16:45
Jouw tandarts in Diemen Zuid
Dental Clinics Diemen is een nieuwe tandartspraktijk op de Willem Dudokhof 1 in Diemen Zuid. Hier kun je terecht voor de beste kwaliteit tandheelkunde, binnen een plezierige en moderne praktijkomgeving. Wij staan vijf dagen per week klaar om jou complete mondzorg te bieden.
- Dé tandarts in Diemen en omgeving voor volwassenen en kinderen.
- Wij werken met de modernste apparatuur.
- Voor o.a. preventie, mondhygiëne, een implantaat en kindertandverzorging.
- Onzichtbare beugel van Invisalign.
- 5 dagen per week geopend.
- Centraal gelegen, op loopafstand van het station Diemen Zuid.
- Makkelijk bereikbaar met auto en gratis parkeren bij de praktijk.

- Algemene tandheelkunde
- Tandvlees behandeling
- Wortelkanaal behandeling
- Kroon- en brugwerk
- Mondhygiëne
- Implantaten
- Protheses-kunstgebit
- Facings
- Tanden bleken
- Orthodontie
- Kindertandheelkunde
- Cosmetische tandheelkunde
- Geriatrische tandheelkunde/ouderen
- Kleine kaakchirurgische ingrepen


- Mondhygiënist(e) aanwezig
- Avond behandeling mogelijk
- Toegankelijk voor rolstoelen
- Parkeergelegenheid aanwezig (gratis)
- Spoed
Intake is gehaast, duurde niet langer dan 5min. Je krijgt een hele begroting mee met nauwelijks uitleg over wat er aan de hand is met je tanden. Eerste en laatste keer.
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Intake was rushed, took no longer than 5 minutes. You are given an entire budget with hardly any explanation about what is going on with your teeth. First and last time.
They charge ridiculous prices compared to the Tandartspraktijk Diemen Zuid which is just 5 min away. They also cancelled my appointment the same morning that I was supposed to have it. Just unprofessional.
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great as always :)
Quite a lovely experience, good manners and advice
I've never encountered this problem before. 2 appointments done within not even a week and 2 cancellations at the last minute on their side. I moved all my day around for it and they don't even care. I read the review and i decided to give up on this clinic. They don't seem to be serious at all nor with appointments or with the type of problem they inditify.
Dear Leatitia VJALU,
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. We are truly sorry to hear that your appointments were canceled twice at the last minute. We understand how frustrating and inconvenient this must have been, especially since you rearranged your day to accommodate them.
This is not the level of service we strive to provide, and we take your feedback very seriously. We would like to better understand what went wrong and how we can prevent this from happening in the future. If you are open to discussing this further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 020-7900041. We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns and find a suitable solution.
Once again, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused, and we hope to regain your trust in the future.
Kind regards,
Team Dental Clinics Diemen
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Vriendelijke tandartsen en mondhygiënisten.
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Friendly dentists and dental hygienists.
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Vriendelijke mensen en inzichtelijk in wat/hoe/waarom men dingen doet.
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Friendly people and insightful into what/how/why people do things.
Ismael is een bijzonder kundige tandarts, de implantaat die hij heeft geplaatst heeft er voor gezorgd dat ik weer kan lachen. Heel veel dank hiervoor! Daarnaast is hij ook heel geduldig en vriendelijk, je treft het met deze tandarts!
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Ismael is a very skilled dentist, the implant he placed has ensured that I can smile again. Many thanks for this! In addition, he is also very patient and friendly, you are lucky with this dentist!
Zowel de tandarts als mondhygiënist zijn secuur, leggen goed uit wat ze gaan doen en voorzien van goed, professioneel advies! Ik ben zeer tevreden met deze praktijk en blijf hier ingeschreven staan.
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Both the dentist and dental hygienist are thorough, explain well what they are going to do and provide good, professional advice! I am very satisfied with this practice and will remain registered here.
Ook al is een spalkje heel erg stevig, de kans is klein, maar bij mij was er een draadje losgegaan. Dan is het fijn wanneer de reparatie dezelfde dag uitgevoerd wordt door een professionele tandarts. Ik stond geheel tevreden binnen 5 minuten weer buiten. Goed gedaan!
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Even though a splint is very sturdy, the chance is small, but in my case a wire came loose. Then it is nice if the repair is carried out the same day by a professional dentist. I was completely satisfied outside within 5 minutes. Well done!
Goede ervaringen met vriendelijke begroeting en duidelijk zorg advies
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Good experiences with friendly greetings and clear care advice
very neat and professional 🥰
Echt hele aardige tandarts. Hij doet zijn werk goed en is ontzettend goed met kinderen. Heel geduldig en altijd een vriendelijk woord.
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Really nice dentist. He does his job well and is very good with children. Very patient and always a kind word.
Mijn ervaring met tandartsen is verre van goed geweest in het verleden. Ik moet zeggen dat, sinds ik bij deze vestiging zit in Diemen, ik niks anders dan positief kan zijn. Voor een groot deel te danken aan Ismael. Dankjewel!
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My experience with dentists has been far from good in the past. I have to say that since I have been working at this branch in Diemen, I have been nothing but positive. Thanks in large part to Ismael. Thank you!
Helemaal TOP!
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Absolutely GREAT!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
Had great experience at Dengal Clinics Diemen. Despite of tight schedule, Dr. Ismael found slot for me and made excellent job with tooth removal. I hardly feel pain, although the process was challenging. He really loves to help people and he does it very well. Im so much thankful to him! Strongly recommend!
I think this is a good clinic. At least hygienist is really good there!
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Meer dan tevreden. Altijd ontvangen worden met een lach en niet te langen wacht tijden.
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More than satisfied. Always welcomed with a smile and not long waiting times.
Thanks to Dr. Hussein al Hussein for his cooperation and full explanation of the work. He is one of the best doctors to deal with.
Hele prettige ervaring bij tandarts Houssein, uiterst professionele en correcte, welbespraakte man. Neemt je serieus, luistert en geeft altijd de juiste info door.
Daarna door naar mondhygiëniste Annick, zij is top!
Ze praat eerst met je, zittend op ooghoogte- luistert naar je angsten en is empathisch en eerlijk!
Behandelt je secuur legt alles uit wat ze doet en leeft met je mee!
Beste tandartsenpraktijk van Nederland!
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Very pleasant experience with dentist Houssein, extremely professional and correct, eloquent man. Takes you seriously, listens and always provides the right information.
Then on to dental hygienist Annick, she is great!
She talks to you first, sitting at eye level - listens to your fears and is empathetic and honest!
Treats you meticulously, explains everything she does and empathizes with you!
Best dental practice in the Netherlands!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
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Meest verschrikkelijkste tandartspraktijk die ik ooit hebt ervaren. De facturen kloppen nooit en de afspraken lopen altijd uit. Bepaalde assistentes die onbeschoft met je omgaan en heel erg ongeduldig zijn. Doe geen moeite en zoek verder.
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Worst dental office I have ever experienced. The invoices are never correct and the appointments always run late. Certain assistants who are rude to you and very impatient. Don't bother and keep looking.
Beste RAS,
We schrikken van uw review en zouden dit graag persoonlijk met u bespreken. We willen u dan ook vragen contact met de praktijk op te nemen als u hier voor open staat. Alvast bedankt.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Dental Clinics Diemen
The staff are friendly, professional, and thorough.
The worst experience you can imagine, starting from a having appointment not sooner than 3-4+ weeks and ending with a doctor who doesn't know if pregnant woman can do the surgery/take painkillers
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Ik ben al jaren een trouwe klant van deze mooie kliniek en ben altijd blij met het resultaat. Vorig jaar besloot ik Invisalign te doen en mijn ervaring was uitstekend. Alles verliep heel soepel en snel dankzij de professionele aanpak van dr. Ismail. Binnen 9 maanden had ik perfecte smile 😁! Ik ben er erg blij mee en zou het zeker aanraden!
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I have been a loyal customer of this beautiful clinic for years and am always happy with the results. Last year I decided to do Invisalign and my experience was excellent. Everything went very smoothly and quickly thanks to Dr. Ismail's professional approach. Within 9 months I had a perfect smile 😁! I am very happy with it and would definitely recommend it!
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Schoon, op tijd, leuke professionele mensen
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Clean, on time, nice professional people
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Super lieve mondhygiëniste, waardoor je met een goed gevoel de deur uitloopt!
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Super sweet dental hygienist, who makes you walk out the door with a good feeling!
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Hartelijk dank, het was een erg leuke klus
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Thank you very much, it was a very nice job
Zeer tevreden
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Very satisfied
Hele fijne praktijk met goede gelegenheid tot parkeren. Vandaag voor een gebitsreiniging geweest bij Katinka waar ik vriendelijk en zeer professioneel ben geholpen.
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Very nice practice with good parking facilities. Today I went to Katinka for a dental cleaning where I was helped in a friendly and very professional manner.
Ik ben anderhalf jaar bezig om een implantaat te laten plaatsen. In die tijd zijn meerdere incidenten geweest waardoor ik heb besloten om, na een derde van de kosten te hebben betaald en met een gat in mijn mond, naar andere kliniek te gaan. In het kort, mijn ervaring was dat je als cliënt in dienst staat van de verdienmodel van de kliniek en niet andersom. Er is weinig persoonlijke aandacht en zorg. Je wordt behandeld als een inkomstenbron. De klantvriendelijkheid is alleen op de oppervlakte te vinden, als iets mis gaat wordt de cliënt meteen als verantwoordelijk aangesproken, in plaats van ruiterlijk de eigen fouten te erkennen en samen een oplossing te zoeken. Er is weinig intentie om de clt tegemoet te komen. De handelingen worden verricht met het doel een vinkje te kunnen plaatsen voor de factuur, maar er is weinig tot nul persoonlijke aandacht en echte zorg.
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I have been trying to have an implant placed for a year and a half. During that time, there were several incidents that made me decide, after paying a third of the costs and with a hole in my mouth, to go to another clinic. In short, my experience was that as a client you serve the clinic's revenue model and not the other way around. There is little personal attention and care. You are treated as a source of income. Customer friendliness can only be found on the surface, if something goes wrong the client is immediately held responsible, instead of openly admitting their own mistakes and finding a solution together. There is little intention to accommodate the CLT. The actions are done for the purpose of ticking the bill, but there is little to no personal attention and real care.
Beste mevrouw Dorado,
Bedankt voor uw feedback. We vinden het jammer dat u het vertrouwen in ons team bent verloren. Enige tijd geleden heeft onze praktijkmanager telefonisch en per e-mail contact met u opgenomen om tot een oplossing te komen. Helaas hebben wij nog geen reactie van u mogen vernemen. Kunt u ons terugbellen of mailen en vragen naar onze praktijkmanager? Alvast bedankt.
Team Dental Clinics Diemen
Ik vond het een prima consult, heel vriendelijk.
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I thought it was an excellent consultation, very friendly.
Prima ontvangst bij de receptie en de tandarts, Relaxte sfeer en duidelijke / deskundige uitleg.
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Excellent welcome at reception and the dentist, relaxed atmosphere and clear / expert explanation.
I had a great experience with Dental Clinics Diemen.
I was for a dental implant . Doctor Ismael did a great job, he really loves what he does.
I am grateful he was patient and he explained the steps of the procedure. He also took time to answer to my questions.
The staff is very friendly, kind and helpful.
Highly recommend.
De tandarts is telefonisch nooit goed bereikbaar. Sta soms gewoon langer dan 30 minuten in de rij. Zo een slechte service vind ik dat.
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The dentist is never easily accessible by telephone. Sometimes just stand in line for more than 30 minutes. I think that's such bad service.
Beste D,
Wat vervelend dat u zo lang heeft moeten wachten. We gaan ons best doen uit te zoeken wat er mis is gegaan, want dat is uiteraard niet de service die we willen verlenen.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics Diemen
Very unethical working attitude all about the money. Went to extract a molar they charger me 3 times more then then the previous dentist I had for do the same procedure.
What a shame this places where patients are not patients but only walking wallets ready to be milked.. i wanted to pay straight away they saied " no wi will send you the invoice".Now i understand why. People find an honest dentist don't go to this thieves.
Hello Soul&Body Relaxation,
Thank you for your feedback. We would like to get in touch with you to check the invoice and see what's going on. Can you please give us a call (or send an e-mail) and ask for our clinic manager so that we can solve this issue?
Best regards,
Team Dental Clinics Diemen
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Prima praktijk. Iedereen is vriendelijk. Het ziet er prachtig uit en de intake is heel zorgvuldig.
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Excellent practice. Everyone is friendly. It looks beautiful and the intake is very careful.
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Aniek Broersen, dental hygienist that attended to me was so professional, experienced and thorough. She took her time to explain the whole process at every stage. The staff at the dental clinic are also nice and friendly. I will recommend Dental Clinic, Holland Park, Diemen any time
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More friendly and caring
Enkele jaren geleden zocht ik een nieuwe tandarts en ben ik ook bij Dental Clinics Diemen terechtgekomen.
Erg goede receptiemedewerker, klantvriendelijk, open en toegankelijk. Echter mijn eerste afspraak met de tansarts was rampzalig: de tandarts wilde 3 kiezen vullen, ook moesten mijn verstandskiezen eruit, terwijl ik helemaal nergens last van had (en ook nooit eerder door een tandarts hiervoor gewaarschuwd bent). Gelukkig werd via een second opinion door een andere tandartspraktijk bevestigd dat er niks gevuld of getrokken hoefde te worden.
Ongelooflijk dat je niet op deze praktijk kunt vertrouwen.
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A few years ago I was looking for a new dentist and I ended up at Dental Clinics Diemen.
Very good reception staff, customer friendly, open and accessible. However, my first appointment with the tans doctor was disastrous: the dentist wanted to fill 3 molars, and my wisdom teeth also had to be removed, while I had no problems at all (and had never been warned about this by a dentist before). Fortunately, a second opinion from another dental practice confirmed that nothing needed to be filled or extracted.
It's unbelievable that you can't rely on this practice.
Beste Phung Do,
Bedankt voor uw review. We hebben u gebeld, maar hebben u helaas niet kunnen bereiken. We willen u graag uitnodigen om langs te komen om de klacht te bespreken. Mocht u hiervoor open staan, dan willen we u vragen om ons terug te bellen. Een e-mail sturen mag uiteraard ook.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics Diemen
Hele fijne praktijk en leuk personeel!
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Very nice practice and nice staff!
Vriendelijk & professioneel
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Friendly & professional
Name it!!!!
Ambiance, friendly and efficient!
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2 days, just 2 appointments to overcome 30 years of fear and distrust of dentists. Thanks Juliana.
Highly recommended!
Heel fijn personeel en goede sfeer in de praktijk!
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Very nice staff and good atmosphere in the practice!
The service at this clinic did not satisfy me or my husband. Firstly, the doctor didn't even attempt to address MY issue. I wear aligners, but I needed to fix a chipped tooth. The doctor said I needed to get 2 crowns and get new aligners. And supposedly, there were no alternatives. This solution would cost me 4400 euros (two crowns 1400 + new aligners 3000). And you know what? In another clinic, they just filled the tooth for me for 180 euros while I wear the aligners, and then I will get the crowns after the main orthodont treatment. The doctor from the other clinic understood my situation and saved me 3000 euros.
Secondly, the clinic penalizes you if you cancel your appointment late or simply don't show up. But the doctors can be as late as they want, and then they say they can only perform half of the planned procedures. And they expect you to schedule another appointment. So, if the patient doesn't show up, they still have to pay for the doctor's time. And the doctor can spend as much of the patient's time as they want with the patient's own money.
Neither I nor my husband will return to this clinic.
The services given by the dentists are good but the issue is with appointments time, making an appointment for 12:30 it should mean that your appointment starts at 12:30 not that you need to wait additional 25 min in the waiting room. Hope this will improve.
Hello mr. Karczewski,
Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the long waiting time you experienced this week. We always strive to work according to the schedule. Sometimes the previous patient needs more care than expected or an emergency appointment has come in to the clinic causing us to run behind schedule. We'll keep working on improving this and aim to start your future appointments on time.
Best regards,
Team Dental Clinics Diemen
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When meeting in person they seem to be very nice, however a complete rip off!! Their „late cancellation fee“ is scam worthy!
Hello Marcus,
We are sorry to hear you are upset with us because of our cancellation policy. Up to 24 hours in advance you can cancel appointments without a charge. When you make an appointment with us we reserve a healthcare professional and a room in our clinic for you. If you cancel within the 24 hours, we can no longer help someone else in that time and therefore we will send a bill.
We do understand that unexpected things can happen causing someone to cancel late or miss the appointment, so we don't charge the first time this happens with an appointment of max. 30 minutes. We inform patients about our cancellation policy in the welcome letter and after the first missed appointment. If you have questions about this, please give us a call.
Best regards,
Dental Clinics Diemen
The service was good but after that they send the bill which was higher than expected total price for cleaning teeth. Came again twice to understand how they calculated the price and every time manager promised to contact me back which was never happened. Check carefully what they included in the bill.
P.S. sorted out later and everything is fine now
Hello German,
Thank you for your feedback. We have also discussed this in person and came up with a solution. Unfortunately, due to sickness, solving the complaint took longer than usual. Thank you for your patience.
Best regards,
The Dental Clinics team
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Erg tevreden met de zorg die ik heb gekregen. Deskundig en goede kwaliteit. (:
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Very satisfied with the care I received. Expert and good quality. (:
Just signed up for the place and I’d say it’s very expat friendly. All the staff speaks good English and they communicated very effectively. So far, I would recommend the place!
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Vorige week mijn eerste behandeling gehad. Ik was heel bang. Maar ze wisten mij rustig te krijgen. Blij met mijn nieuwe tandarts/ praktijk. Ik ben zeer tevreden.
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Had my first treatment last week. I was very scared. But they managed to calm me down. Happy with my new dentist/practice. I am very satisfied.
Outstanding service
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I absolutely love this clinic. Clean, professional, friendly, efficient.
Great people and service.
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Ismael is een super fijne en kundige tandarts. Het is heel waardevol om een tandarts volledig te kunnen vertrouwen. Ik verhuis niet voor niets al meerdere praktijken met hem mee! :-)
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Ismael is a super nice and skilled dentist. It is very valuable to be able to completely trust a dentist. It is not without reason that I have been moving several practices with him! :-)
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The staff is always extremely friendly and polite, and it's very close to the station as well.
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Very friendly staff and very professional doctors. I was treated by Ismael el Youbari, and he was most helpful. I will definitely go there again.
Very hygienic and warm and friendly people and very professional. Feel safe and comfortable wilth their work.
Very friendly, professional and polite staff. The spaces are very well-organised, clean and comfortable. The secretaries are nice and available for any additional information. The assistants are patience and delicate. The doctor is the best I have met to so far.
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Professional dental clinic in Diemen. Always friendly and helpful.
Friendly and good doctors, new looking practice and they really take you through the treatment process. Highly recommended
Very friendly and professional staff. Very clean and spacious offices. Probably the best clinic I have been to so far
Vriendelijk, deskundig. Prima.
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Friendly, knowledgeable. Fine.
Very professional clinic. Definitely suggested for the dentist-fear people like me
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Supermooie, schone, moderne locatie, goede en klantvriendelijke ontvangst, professionele behandeling door deskundige mensen, geen overbodige handelingen.
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Beautiful, clean, modern location, good and customer-friendly reception, professional treatment by expert people, no unnecessary actions.
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Super tevreden over de snelle en professionele service.
Mark Toonen
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Very satisfied with the fast and professional service.
Mark Toonen
From the receptionists to the hygienist, assistant and dentist, excellent work and service with friendliness and care.
Hello Yannick,
Thank you so much for your kind words. We appreciate it a lot!
Kind regards,
The Dental Clinics team
Prettige, vriendelijke sfeer.
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Pleasant, friendly atmosphere.
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Super tandarts 👍 na vele jaren met scheve tanden .. heeft hij het opgelost !!
Ik ben er super blij mee en durf weer te lachen.
Vriendelijke flexibel en vooral professionele tandarts .. Topper
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Super dentist 👍 after many years with crooked teeth.. he solved it!!
I am very happy with it and dare to laugh again.
Friendly, flexible and above all professional dentist.. Topper
Ik kom al jaren bij Ismael. Super fijne tandarts.
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I have been coming to Ismael for years. Very nice dentist.
Beste Denise,
Bedankt voor de mooie review en het vertrouwen al die jaren. Graag tot ziens bij je volgende bezoek.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
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Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
In a country where healthcare for an expat is one of the most difficult things to navigate, I am very pleased with the level of care I received here. The dentist explained all the procedures needed, discussed multiple options available and never pushed for a preferred choice. The treatment itself was done in a very pleasant way, both dentist and assistant were very professional and welcoming. Will continue my treatments here.
Hello Sara,
We are glad to hear that you are happy with the level of care you received in our clinic. We know it can be difficult to figure everything out when it comes to the Dutch healthcare system. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences.
Best regards,
The Dental Clinics team
4 stars. dentist is professional. he gave me the good advice on my teeth. Teeth-cleaning is very gental, does not hurt at all. but the filling material on my teeth fell off within 1 month. maybe because the broken part is on the edge of my teeth, so it is not easy to fill it anyway (but i am not sure).
Hello Qiao Ren,
Thank you so much for your positive feedback. We appreciate it. It's good to hear that you're satisfied with the advice and the treatment. Feel free to call us if you have any questions about the filling material.
Best regards,
The Dental Clinics team
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Hartelijk dank voor uw feedback!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
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Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
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Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
I was there recently and I didn't have a good experience. I went there because the clinic I go is moving to another office. The problem was that the glue covered the metal retainer behind my tooth was detached. The retainer itself was connected to the tooth. Still it need to be fixed. What the doctor suggested? To change the whole retainer! Only because the glue covered the one tooth was detached. The glue! Even then the retainer was actually detached no one tried to change it. It was always the fix of the area where the retainer was disconnected. Those guys are trying to extend the bill as much as possible! I told I won't change the whole retainer because the glue and asked just to fix that. He fixed, but my clear retainer which I wear at night did't fit. The doctor refused to fix that because "then retainer will detached". It was not in the first place. Also doctor said that to wear the clear retainer is nonsense. Which is very unprofessional, because he saw me for the first time, didn't know my history and even was not an orthodontist. This is also the sign about not much an experience.
So my summary - please avoid. They didn't listen to me, tried to do more job that needed to extend the bill. Remind me Lassus they also like to do more treatment that necessary.
UPD. The director of the clinic called me at 8 pm on Friday to discuss my review. I honestly did't have much desire to speak about it. Because the talk is cheap and I didn't see any benefits for me. I am an experienced patient and it was not my first time with the retainer. This clinic charged me 57 euros for the "fix" of the retainer. Because the doctor put too much glue I didn't wear the clear retainer for 2 days and my tooth shifted a bit. I found another clinic where they took off extra glue (additional cost for me). And now I need to do something with the shift because the doctor of Dental Diemen Clinic refused to do it himself.
Hello Yulia,
We are sorry you didn't have a good experience in our clinic and didn't feel like we listened. Our clinic director has reached out to you by phone to further discuss your review. It is never our intention to extend bills. We diagnose and advice what we think is best for your personal situation and refer to the orthodontist or another dentist if the treatment a patient needs is not in our field of expertise.
Kind regards,
The Dental Clinics team
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Hallo Andrea,
Wat fijn, bedankt!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
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Beste Senna, bedankt voor de vijf sterren! Met vriendelijke groet, het team van Dental Clinics
Ik zou deze tandartsenpraktijk niet aanraden.als je vragen hebt krijg ik geen antwoord op mijn vraag,als ik vraag waarom ze de tandarts bij afspraak niet vermeld krijg ik geen antwoord waarom ze daar moeilijk over doen vind ik raar.Mondhygiëniste heeft het afgeraffeld. Ik heb nog nooit zo'n vreemde en geheimzinnige praktijk meegemaakt.heb een dikke rekening ontvangen van 94 euro voor een gebitsreiniging echt niet normaal voor zo'n simpele en afgeraffelde behandeling je wordt gewoon afgezet. Weet waaraan je begint bij deze tandartsenpraktijk, echt vreselijk
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I would not recommend this dental practice. If you have any questions, I don't get an answer to my question, if I ask why they don't mention the dentist when making an appointment, I don't get an answer as to why they are making a fuss about that, I find it strange. The dental hygienist has rushed it off. I have never experienced such a strange and mysterious practice. I received a big bill of 94 euros for a dental cleaning, which is really not normal for such a simple and run-down treatment, you are simply ripped off. Know what you are getting into at this dental practice, really terrible
Beste mevrouw Biharie,
Wat jammer om te horen dat u zich niet geholpen voelt en niet tevreden bent over uw behandeling bij de mondhygiëniste. Onze praktijkmanager heeft u twee keer geprobeerd te bellen om de klacht te bespreken, maar kon u helaas niet bereiken. Zij heeft uw voicemail ingesproken. Zou u contact met ons kunnen opnemen? We kijken graag samen naar een oplossing.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
Heel goed geholpen door dental clinics. Ze gaan erg hygiënisch en netjes te werk. Daarnaast zijn de medewerkers heel klant gericht! Dit is vanaf nu mijn nieuwe tandarts! Zeker aan te raden!
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Very well helped by dental clinics. They work very hygienically and neatly. In addition, the employees are very customer-oriented! This is my new dentist from now on! Definitely recommended!
Hallo W,
Bedankt voor je aanbeveling! We zijn blij dat je tevreden bent over de geboden zorg en ons team.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
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Hallo Rania,
Bedankt voor de vijf sterren!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het Dental Clinics team
I just recently changed my dentist to Dental Clinics Diemen and it was a very good decision! I had on general checkup and a general cleaning. I am super happy with both sessions.
Both dentists that I met were really smart, gentle with my teeth and kind. I had two problems with my teeth that the previous dentists I went couldn't recognise what is wrong (one reason why I try to change dentist). But here I was surprise that they know what all of my problems are, they can help me to understand what the problems are, gave me some possible solutions and plans. When having the general cleaning, compared to other dentists I have been to, I really like how gentle the cleaning was and also received some nice tips and tricks.
The place is clean and everybody is english friendly too.
Hello Alamago Seniora,
We are glad that you decided to change to our clinic and are happy with your decision to do so. It's great to hear you had two good sessions with us. Thank you so much for your kind and positive review.
Kind regards,
The Dental Clinics team
Helemaal top
(Translated by Google)
Absolutely great
Hallo Nick,
Dat vinden wij dan weer helemaal top om te horen. Bedankt voor je review en graag tot ziens bij je volgende bezoek!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
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Hallo Georgina,
Bedankt voor je positieve review! Fijn om te zien dat je tevreden bent over onze praktijk.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
Went for a check up. The dentist spoke perfect English and was very attentive. Coming back for a cleaning in a week and looking forward to it!
Hello MilenDeni Love,
We are glad to hear you had a good experience. Thank you for your kind review. See you next week!
Kind regards,
The Dental Clinics team
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Hi Kyasha,
Bedankt voor de vijf sterren!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
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Hallo Ilonka,
Bedankt voor de positieve review!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
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Hallo Charlotte,
Bedankt voor de vijf sterren! We zijn blij om te horen dat je tevreden bent over onze praktijk.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het team van Dental Clinics
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